should the Halo movie CG ?

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I think in the Halo Movie for MC they will pull a Darth vader, Hire a tall man to do all the actions and motions, then have MC's offical voice dub over it all.
No, I think it should be real actors, but maby have the steve downes voice over thing, and have Cortana be CGI. And they better as heck not show Masterchiefs face in the movie, because it wouldn't really be his face, it would be the face of an actor, trying, and inevitably failing, to look like MC.
No, I think it should be real actors, but maby have the steve downes voice over thing, and have Cortana be CGI. And they better as heck not show Masterchiefs face in the movie, because it wouldn't really be his face, it would be the face of an actor, trying, and inevitably failing, to look like MC.

i agree completely. but then I think about how akakins face was eventually revealed in RotJ and it definitely didn't ruin anything for me. maybe the best thing would near the start of the movie, reveal the back of MC's head as he puts on the suit, but prolly not reveal any more than that.
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true just show the back of the head just like they did with darth vader when he was in his chamber
Well then there would be a dilemma over if Master Chief should be a black/white/Canadian XD dude. lol When we all know he HAS to be a Ginger. Gingers dont have souls. Hence master chief is practically invincible :D
id rather see cg than live action for game movies

with cg you can actually get the characters for the game in the movie
instead of live action , were you have to use makeup
or have someone that looks something or nothing like the character!

I think it should be CG and the chief shouldn't show his face, no one really cared to see what Vader looked like, and alo of people were disappointed when he was an old white guy, and chief is white if you read Halo: The Flood, they give a descrption of him
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