WWW.Smooth.com Has some great inexpensive DVD's on mold making
and these books from
WWW.CastCraft.com are great
there are four books in the set and one of them is a materials source guide
There is info here for the newbie mold maker and the veteran
Hope this helps Spartan 648
This is info from the cast craft site
The Castcraft Moldmaking and Casting Guides
Learn how to use all types of Mold Making and Casting Materials
The Castcraft Guides cover every type of mold making and casting material you can use without needing industrial type equipment or machines. The Guides have chapters on how to use Latex Rubber, Silicone Rubber, Polyurethane Rubber, Plaster, Flexible Molding Wax, Gelatin Molding Compound, Polyester Resin, Epoxy Resin, Polyurethane Resin, Latex Foam Rubber, Hot Melt Vinyl, Wax, Ceramic Clay, Cement, and Low Melting Temperature Metals.
Mold making techniques shown include latex molds, blanket molds, block molds, split molds, shell molds, backup molds, and life masks.
Casting techniques shown include solid casting, slush casting, dip casting, laminating, and press casting.
Find Sources of Supply for hard-to-find and unusual materials
The Guides include sources for all materials mentioned above, plus related equipment, supplies, and ready-made molds. Sources are given for 219 moldmaking and casting related materials and supplies.
279 companies are listed, with address, phone, and fax numbers. Unlike many how-to books, the sources are companies you can actually do business with, not just listings of large manufacturers.
Sources are updated with each printing, so you get the most accurate information available.
Plus, you get access to the Castcraft customer web page, with Internet links to over 220 source companies.
You also get an additional Bonus Guide with the following information:
Tips on how to sell products, if you want to make items to sell.
A compatibility guide showing what casting materials can be used with what types of molds.
Special Techniques showing:
How to "shrink" an object by using a mold.
How to make imitation sandstone.
How to make hollow plaster and plastic products such as piggy banks or lightweight hollow sculpture reproductions.
An easy way to decorate realistically with "dry brushing".
How to embed computer printed images in plastic.
How to make lightweight, hollow, artificial rocks.
A complete, step-by-step photo demonstration of how to make a two-part rubber mold.
Make Products for Income, to enhance your hobbies, reproduce your artwork, or use as gifts
The materials and techniques you will learn to use are how many types of products are made. For example - ornamental concrete statuary, stepping stones, plaster plaques and figurines, "pecan shell" or "cultured marble" figurines.
You can make parts and decorations for hobbies such as model railroading , model building, gardening, and landscaping.
You can reproduce most any kind of 3-dimensional artwork such as wood carvings and sculpture, in natural-looking materials or entirely different materials.
Get help when you need it
The author of the Castcraft Guides is Roger Beebe, the owner of Castcraft. You can email with questions or to get help and Roger can either answer your questions or direct you to someone who can. Email is
By Roger Beebe. 236 pages. 8 1/2 x 11.
The Castcraft Moldmaking and Casting Guides $36.00 +S&H