Sitting down in pep armor

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Jr Member
Just wondering if anyone has put enough layers of fiberglass & resin to be able to sit down without having to use tweezers to pick out the slivers of glass imbedded in your ass afterwards.
It didnt flatten out or anything? And your car was cushioned but what it it was just a wooden chair.
mine was cushioned so i thought it would get destroyed but it didnt just got a bit crumpled but it popped back into place but i sat in a wooden chair too and its better to sit in a wooden chair in my opinion but it doesnt make much difference.
If your glass is still sheding fibers you didn't use enough resin when you layed it in the butt piece. Assuming you used matt as the last layer you most likely have a somewhat rough surface so lay down a layer of cloth on top of the matt, then after it has hardened compleatly, give it a good wet sanding to smooth it out and maybe even lay in some padding as well so you have a bit of padding no matter what you're sitting on :)
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