Taking the plunge

Small update:

I'm reprinting the thighs a little bigger, they were a tad too snug for my liking.

This weekend I started to add color (thanks Kahn 319 for the blue metal color).

and I vacuum formed a visor (although there are small bubbles in it so going to give it another go this weekend).
Wow man the progress is looking great so far! And going through the effort to make your own visor too! Looks very impressive can't wait to see more :)
Well I have (or had) a lot of my suit done, and was trying to fit everything for a convention this afternoon. While in a hurry the back fell off and broke, so no cosplaying today, but it can be fixed and improved (especially the harness system, that was kind of thrown together last night and this morning).

Plus this gives me more time to attempt to vacuum form another visor, this is one came out less than ideal.

Today's motto is "Improvise, adapt, and overcome", oh and improve my plastic welding.
Sorry u couldn't use it for the con man, it would've looked sweet all finished up. Just curious, how do u do your visor tint? Was it dyed or wrapped?
This is fantastic! The paint color is really nice the way it is. The shells are so good looking too, looks really realistic.
Second attempt at vacuum forming the visor. I put the chrome spray on a little too thick, so it's a little difficult to see out of, but overall I'm okay with it. Still need to add the greeblies to the helmet and adjust some straps but overall I'm pretty happy how this is coming along, should be done for Summer Con next weekend.

Pulled another few visors yesterday, and this time, I was able to get one without rinkles (on the front at least)! I could hardly see out of the last one I made and I had forgotten to polish the surface before chroming. Here's to hoping this one will be the one.

T-minus 5 days until the con.
In case anyone is interested, I decided to try Rit Dye More on my "b" vacuum formed visor and I've got to say, it came out pretty good. Left is 3 packs of iDye Poly yellow and right is one bottle of Rit DyeMore Super Pink, both soaked for 30mins and rinsed every 5 mins.

Before chrome
After chrome
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Love the progress that you have made with the visors. If you are coming to summercon come find me and we can talk about visors! I have a bit of experience with making them.
Love the progress that you have made with the visors. If you are coming to summercon come find me and we can talk about visors! I have a bit of experience with making them.
I definitely will! I've been using one of the tutorials videos as a guide but it's still been a difficult time to say the least.
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