The two week challenge: Femme Spartan~

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Jr Member
Hello 405th! Yet another femme to join these ever growing Spartan ranks.

I'm reletively 'new' to Halo. Reach is my first true venture. (I've played 1, 2, and 3 but only at friends houses. Reach was my first outright purchase). Ever since, I've fallen totally in love with the armor. The female especially.

So. just a week ago, I told myself I was going to make some armor for Halloween. I'm new to Pepakura, resin, Rondo, fiberglass and the like, so its been a big learning experiance but I've definatly caught on.

I'm no novice to costume making though. Chances are there's a handful of you who're part of the Furry community. (Flame now or forever hold your peace. In the end, you'll only be ambaressing yourself). So, I make fursuits. they're not spectacular or fantastic like Beastcub's work or Quarrezel (think of them as the AceNat or BlueRealm of the halo community. GODS.)

My helmet and chest plate are already complete. Im resining my Thighs as we speak, and they're getting their coat of Rondo and Fiberglassing tonight. While they're curing, I'm starting on my crotch plate.

But unlike you guys, my work hasn't been so literally cut and paste. I got the misfortune of being 5'2" and built like a friggen tank. I've had to hand modify the chest plate (Lady Spartans must be A cups or something >.>), and the thighs to fit my shape. When I make my cod, I tried scaling it to my dimensions. It fit great but the plates in the front and back wound up looking like WWE champion belts. So i'm working with a smaller pep, but i'll be adding in bits to make it wider around. I think i'm the first short fat spartan. :D

I'll be posting pics tonight.
I'm no novice to costume making though. Chances are there's a handful of you who're part of the Furry community. (Flame now or forever hold your peace. In the end, you'll only be ambaressing yourself).

Nobody's going to flame, because we all love fur suits! Well, at least I like them. They're so.. furry. ;-)

Looking forward to the pictures.
what's the status on this build? My wife's similar in build (5'4" and built to fight) and I'd be interested in seeing how you built yours, because I'm wanting to build a set for her.
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