To those that make it work

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New Member
To: Founders, Administers, Moderators, and Senior and Contributing Members of the 405th.


While I have just recently joined the 405th. I have watched from the side lines for awhile.
It saddens me to see that contributing members are leaving, due to / because of the lack of respect and the “give me” attitude of others. Un-fortunately this is the way things are these days. Not only on this site, but may others on the web and several that I belong too. Anytime that a site is open to the public, ungratefully people walk through the door.

For those of you that have left or may be thinking of leaving, please consider this. You are helping those of us that are here to learn. I know that it difficult to deal daily with the “can you do it for me… sell me…give me crowd. But you ’ARE’ helping those that wish to learn. And to people that watch this site with out becoming members. And your help makes the difference in the quality of many projects.
How do I know this? I see the pictures. And I am amazed at the talent and dedication of the members here.

Thank you for creating this site where those of us that “really” wish to learn can go.
Thank you for the Video tutorials that help, walk us through the creative process.
Thank you for the positive input and help-full critic work of in progress.
Thank you to those that create and un-fold the Pepakura files.
Thank you for creating the “Sticky Forms” that help us navigate through the enormous load of threads, to find the important things.
Thank you for taking time away from your projects and daily life to explain the ins and outs of different builds.

Since it's not often said. Once again from me. THANK YOU.

Noob Rick
Agree with these guys.
Thing is, nowadays there are so many greedy people.

The best part of these forums is how to get things you have to give at the same time.

But let me welcome you to the Forums! :D
There's many greedy people online everywhere. Ive seen some people say stuff like "where do you buy a recon helmet?" Not even reading anything on the 405th to get the fact that we build our work. It's kinda hard to miss really. Hopefully soon there will be enough people that know how to do stuff to counter the greedy and asking every little question people.
Very well said Rick. Bravo.

I honestly couldn't agree with you more.

I also, would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has taken time out of their lives to help anyone else, not just on this site, but everywhere else as well. You are the people who keep society from imploding in upon itself. Thank you!
Very well said my friend :) Very well said indeed.
It is unfortunate the way things are headed. I, like you have watched from afar for a good while.
This happens with all good communities that grow in popularity unfortunately. While the acknowledgment from Bungie, be it through Waypoint or on B.Net, is a great thing, it also opens the floodgates to a much wider audience, and through that the dregs of the internet jump in and abuse the kind hearted openness of the community. It happens all too often :(

I'd like to echo the above, and say thank you to all those that give while asking for naught in return, and for those that part their wisdom to the fresh starters. The community wouldn't be a community at all without such members.

- X.
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