Visor Help

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I'm trying to get a visor on Ebay. But I'm not even sure if it is the right size. What are the sizes that will fit the helmet?
It says AC-11 CL-14 AND CL-MAX, will it fit?
I'm not sure what I bought, The guy sold like 10 of the same thing, so I just bought A XTRA LARGE visor and it fits a unscaled helmet and scaled helmet, it looks real chiefy on the helmet because it's soo big, if you attach the visor tilted, it gives the chief's rounded visor effect.
When i asked at a my local bike shop, he told me the ac-10/ac-12 is just different types of fittings, and the visors are standard size.
Anyway i got a HJC ac-10 in mirror gold, and i will need to cut an inch or so off each end
Steve said:
When i asked at a my local bike shop, he told me the ac-10/ac-12 is just different types of fittings, and the visors are standard size.
Anyway i got a HJC ac-10 in mirror gold, and i will need to cut an inch or so off each end

Just Curious... How Much did you pay? Where are you located? I have seen them on Ebay for around $20- $25 Plus $15 shipping = $40 - $45

I went to a couple of local dealers and they all want $45 - $50

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wombat6926 said:
Just Curious... How Much did you pay? Where are you located? I have seen them on Ebay for around $20- $25 Plus $15 shipping = $40 - $45

I went to a couple of local dealers and they all want $45 - $50


I paid $36 inc tax) from a local bike shop. The main dealers were all about $45-50.
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I realize that this isn't exactly on topic, but I'm loathe to create another thread for something dealing with a visor.

I know that most people use the AC-12 type shields, but I was wondering if anyone had tried using these. They look more rounded, more akin to the chief's visor than the AC-12 in my opinion. I was going to buy one for my helmet, but I figured I'd see if there was a reason no one had used 'em yet.
wow that would look so much better! the curve is nice, but they seem way taller then the other ones, so they would need some modifications...
DemonSandWizard said:
wow that would look so much better! the curve is nice, but they seem way taller then the other ones, so they would need some modifications...

I thought about the height, but couldn't they just have an inch or however much was necessary just trimmed off?
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a little off topic, but does anybody know if there are red visors. i thought it would look good with a black helmet
You're going to want to dremel it. Surely you've got a brother/father/uncle/neighbor/friend/classmate...anyone who has one?
A hobby saw can work, but you'll definitely want a dremel, if these visors are anythin' like the ones that go in Mandalorian buy'ce.
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