what i used instead of resin

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New Member
sorry i lost my cord for my camera a few months ago so i have to wait till my cousin lets me borrow his so i cant take any pictures of it at this moment. anyway, my dad had no money for resin so we used this special kind of plastic looking thing(looked like toilet paper,not duct tape) that we found somewhere in the house. we wrapped it on the inside of my right bicep and we did some trimming. i tried to rip it and it didnt tare apart. i guess it was cheap but we need to buy more since we dont know what it was o_O .i tried google and i didnt find anything. if anyone has an idea what this is(cause i dont) please let me know.
was this in a small roll? white or blackish? sticky bottom side, plastic-y or pleathery top side? a bit thick too? it could be grip tape for tennis rackets, if it's kind of plasticish. if the top side is cloth-like, and kind of thin, it could be medical tape. both of those are pretty easy to trim and cut with scissors, but tough to tear. i dunno why you'd use it to reinforce though...it's not that solid like...
Yeah... a good description of the material would go a long to way to helping others positively indentify just what it is you've been working with. Of course, if pics were possible, that'd be even better...
Yeah... a good description of the material would go a long to way to helping others positively indentify just what it is you've been working with. Of course, if pics were possible, that'd be even better...

Yeah, I agree. A picture is worth a thousand words, unless you don't value it highly. However, I'm interested in this and would like to hear more.
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You and me both, cholo. It would indeed be interesting to figure out just what alternate material doomkiller's using for his armour build... :)
what does it taste like? only joking...

if you could tell us what texture it had (smooth, fabric, rubbery)...
Spartan 051 said:
it just me but it sounds like it the stuff builders use to combine sheet rock
thats call scrim tape (in england) if thats any help in finding pics
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What I think would really help was if the OP chimed in here again, with a more apt description of the material in question, rather than everyone guessing what it could be... :whistle:
ok im back,wow everyone is guessing :cautious: . it felt kinda like the plastic they use to seal toy figures in but much harder, its clear,see thru, really hard to bend and thats all i cans say about it. i think it is a little stronger than resin in my opinion i just wish i can show a pic of what this material is.
It could be a biological variant of Styrene... but I don't think there is a clear type of that...

Maybe you just grabbed some Action Figure packing from a McFarlane toy you had lying around?
Hmm... this is puzzling... an alternative to resin and we have no idea what it is... If you do find out, though, and it does work, you would be a hero, lol

300 POSTS :p
yah, no kidding that would change urverything (cleveland voice)...oh yah I has MORE than 300 posts BTW...not that its whats really important k noobs? no meaningless posts because of meh
hahha that does fit the edescription... but then i take it it wasn't sticky? how did you stick it to the bicep? self-adhesive or glue?
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