CEREAL'S - Mk VI Comprehensive WIP **(With Videos)**

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hey glad to see you want to pick up sculpting! if you do but have worries on getting symmetry like i did you should try the pepakura clay pour method i use in my n7 helmet build :) it makes it much faster for large sculpts, especially for novices like myself :p i wouldnt think itd be worth it on a hand plate however
When starting out with oil based clay I would say buy the Med. It will give you the feel of it and it's better for most clay work. Hard is good for fine lines and tooling but is very hard to get into the starting shape. Just ask if you need anything and I just might have a trick or two up my sleeve.:cool
I just have one thought at this point. When is it gonna be moved to the elite section?

I keep getting this crazy feeling that nobody's being moved to Elite anymore. I don't think anyone has since the last time the site crashed. :/

Still though, I agree. This is definitely Elite worthy. And then some :D
So glad I've ran across this since I'm just beginning the bondo stage of my build. Definitely going to use your tape off/rubbery bondo method. The lines on that helmet are so sharp and clean, I love it. Thanks for sharing the info, I really appreciate your time doing that.
lol, awesome!! Like I said in my thread, join the FX lab. There is some incredibly valuable information in there on types of clay, how to create effects, what tools to get and what not. Also, Starvinartist & Thorn were extremely helpful to me during the journey. Good luck! and this build is Grrrrrrreat!! lol

Tony Montana!!!
Thanks for the info!!! The FX Lab is freakin' great!! Thanks for the tip, very much appreciated!!!


hey glad to see you want to pick up sculpting! if you do but have worries on getting symmetry like i did you should try the pepakura clay pour method i use in my n7 helmet build :) it makes it much faster for large sculpts, especially for novices like myself :p i wouldnt think itd be worth it on a hand plate however

lol, no probably not with something as small as a hand plate! :)

When starting out with oil based clay I would say buy the Med. It will give you the feel of it and it's better for most clay work. Hard is good for fine lines and tooling but is very hard to get into the starting shape. Just ask if you need anything and I just might have a trick or two up my sleeve.:cool

Thank you for the input!
Will absolutely take you up on the help offer WHEN I need it!! ;)

I just have one thought at this point. When is it gonna be moved to the elite section?

Thanks man, glad you like! Who knows if it will ever go? lol

I keep getting this crazy feeling that nobody's being moved to Elite anymore. I don't think anyone has since the last time the site crashed. :/
Still though, I agree. This is definitely Elite worthy. And then some :D

Don't know man, we'll see i guess.
Thanks for the vote of confidence!

So glad I've ran across this since I'm just beginning the bondo stage of my build. Definitely going to use your tape off/rubbery bondo method. The lines on that helmet are so sharp and clean, I love it. Thanks for sharing the info, I really appreciate your time doing that.

Very happy that I could help you out!
Update... well a small one.

It's amazing that it's all the little things that need doing that take the most time. Although the pictures below might seem somewhat uneventful, they actually are!! lol

All that has been happening over the last 4 - 5 days is putting in the little details and getting rid of the little imperfections. It is quite time consuming! One thing I did do was test fit a visor that I have on hand and figure out where the mounting points will be for it. Over this weekend I will be ordering the visors that I will be using for this helmet which is kind of a Bitter/Sweet situation. Once I'm done with cleaning up the helmet I will be at a standstill until the visors arrive :( HOWEVER!!!... what this does mean is I can move on without upsetting my "not working on multiple parts rule!!! :)

So that being said, tomorrow once I finish the cleanup on the helmet I will just give it a quick coat of primer, then move on to pepping out the torso and work on it until the visors arrive!

Anyways... here are some pics of the work that's slowly been done over this work week:








I also started roughing in some more of the battle damage...

Well, like I said... the pictures look quite uneventful! Sorry about that :(
However, I promise there will be more to come this weekend...

As always, comments/questions/crits' always welcome!!
Till then...
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hey if you mold this you should do it before you do any more battle damage incase you sell a few casts that people dont want the damage on. just my 2 cents xp but god i love this helmet haha, its amazing and its not even painted.
Please tell me your going to mold it

More than likely yes, I will. Mainly because I don't want to wear the original. God forbid something should happen!

Looks great! Sometimes the little things are what matters lol

Yes... yes they are!

hey if you mold this you should do it before you do any more battle damage incase you sell a few casts that people dont want the damage on. just my 2 cents xp but god i love this helmet haha, its amazing and its not even painted.

I have not made any plans to sell pulls when I get around to molding the helmet. Should it happen though, they would be sold "as created". ;)

This will be the last update for the helmet until I order and receive the visors so I can continue working on it, up next will be the torso and maybe the hand plates too (only because I will be trying my hand at sculpting them out of clay. Thank you Tony for the inspiration!!!

Now to business...
Rather than blab on with a bunch of words, I'll keep it brief and only point out the key features. I rounded over the two ports on the top front left and right of the helmet. I much prefer the flow like this! Also, I added separation detail between all of the helmet pieces to enhance the look that they are all separate parts of a whole. This is most noticeable on the details above the brim line.

Anyways... here are the pictures. The detail level is final, other than paint and final battle damage... ENJOY!!! :)











And finally, just one reference shot!


Well, that's it for now. Tonight I will start pepping out the chest to start the next chapter of this build. Let's see where it goes next!!!

As per normal, comments/question/crits' always welcome and appreciated!

Thank you all who have been tagging along for the ride!! I hope that you have enjoyed it so far and are willing to come a little further as there is a long and hopefully interesting road ahead!

Hope to see you here! :)
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Okay. Dude? That battle damage alone is out of this freaking world! I absolutely love it. GAH! IT'S SO GOOD!
How? How do you carve something that good??

(on a side note, those scratches are so well done, they tell a story of their own. That's incredible.)
WOW. I would love (and I'm sure everyone else would love) if you could make videos and maybe put them on YouTube running over your process from now on? Especially on how you did that battle damage, it is AMAZING.

Bravo sir!! Virtually identical, well done.

Thank you kind sir! More to come :)

Okay. Dude? That battle damage alone is out of this freaking world! I absolutely love it. GAH! IT'S SO GOOD!
How? How do you carve something that good??

(on a side note, those scratches are so well done, they tell a story of their own. That's incredible.)

Thanks V1K1N6, I'm very happy that you like it!!
When I set out to do this build, I had already built it about 20 times in my mind over the last year. Every time I did, it changes a little, then a little more. As much as I wanted to build something that was in "perfect" from factory condition, I just didn't think I would be doing it any justice unless I brought it to hell and back!

You are correct!!! Every piece of damage that I will be putting on this helmet will tell a story. That was the exact idea I was going for. Thanks for noticing!!!! :)
The damage on the helm is not complete and there will be much more of it to follow on all remaining parts of the armour. Just need to be careful as it can easily get "overdone" quite quickly!

Once again, thank you very much for your comments!

wow the detail looks great and the helmet look really smooth

Thanks man. Yeah, it took some time to get everything to look just so. But I feel it was worth it!

WOW. I would love (and I'm sure everyone else would love) if you could make videos and maybe put them on YouTube running over your process from now on? Especially on how you did that battle damage, it is AMAZING.

Thanks surr3nder!
I actually have been tossing around the idea of doing a set of videos with the chest piece. Just a little follow along of how 'I' do things. If I get some more feedback with regards to that, I will absolutly do it!

Epic. Enuff said.:D

LOL, thanks man!

It's been 3 weeks since I started this thread and the build (feels a lot longer) normally people are leaps and bounds ahead of where I am in the same amount of time. But for me its not about the time it takes, if it took me 6 weeks to get the helm where I wanted it to be... then so be it. I guess what I am trying to say it, if you rush it... it will look rushed...

just amazing sir just as i said before truly amazing! and id like to put in my vote for videos on how you do things. that would be amazing too
Looks great, Cereal! Patience is definitely a virtue that you possess :)

I've always loved how a good sculpt looks just shot in primer grey. The neutral tone works wonders to bring out all your subtle plane changes. Of course, I'm sure it'll continue to look totally awesome once you paint it :)

Looking forward to seeing more!
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