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I can't believe I've spent the last two weeks making the outline for the fingers and back hand cover.
And only finish one hand. I'm moving forward with the legs.

I just finished designing and measuring the Right Thigh last night. I'll continue to unfold and see how it look.

More to come with hand picture and leg update.
So a major set back. It rained and I left the window open and so both the thighs and Cod pieces has warped before I can resin them. Then to top that off, my wife ended up sitting on the salvageable portion of the parts that didn't warp. I did finish the rebuilds and resin half the armor. The last two days I spent revamping the Helmet and I believe I have a method down for best face alignment as of tonight. ETA, 2 weeks.

I'll be using this method to revamp the calves too.

I'll post another update once all what I have has been resin.

Can I get the template for this amazing concept? Its a killer Guyver design, bro. Keep up the great work.
My apologies to all the followers for this project. I did complete the basic resin for the armor but I was very unsatisfied with the outcome as it was hard to move in. Burnt out from this project, I managed to proceed with the long awaited Iron Man Mark VII Project and almost complete. I'll be converting the Guyver Project to a Foam Build. I will keep you all posted and make the files available as I move forward.


What a beautiful build. I look forward to seeing the rest of your progress, also for the files. Guyver is a pretty complicated build, but with your files I think my brother and I could do it.
Ok, here's access to the Guyver files.

I'm burnt out and still in recovery mode. Hopefully I'll start this up again some time soon. I've gotten better with Pepakura and Autodesk 3DS Max so next releases will be better and geared toward foam builds.

I thought I uploaded the resin Guyver build, but I guess I never did.

Here's for you all to see:

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