Halloween Is Coming...

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R Dog

New Member
I need help! What should i be for Halloween? I can think of a few, Louis from left for dead(I am Asian so i really don't know how that's gonna work), The new guy from Bad Comp, a Jawa(those little things from StarWars), a Hockey player. Well any way, enough about my issues, what are you going to be on Halloween?
I'm going to be achmed the dead terrorist from jeff dunham

Lol!!! Infedel, I KILL YOU!!! XD!!

Meh...I not going to be anyone for Halo-ween. People don't give good stuff for candy. I'm just going to go to the store and buy my favorites and get my butt back to my armor.

Rock said:
I'll be wearing my work uniform because I will be at work.

What an evil place that doesnt allow one to dress up for halloween.
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im gona be me and like rockr said get back to my armor so maybe ill have it done by halo reach or i might where my odst helm and something black and my ar
Wolverine from X-Men Origins. Theres a thread of the blades I've made so far. No doubt when I finish them and do a costume and hair check, I'll have pics taken so you can all see the finished project. Go as a jawa, seeing as how youve l;eft it so late to decide, theyre probably the easiest quick costume out of your options you gave.
Metal Gear solid Box Camo #3 >_> hehehe

I has an idea for big question mark and Exclamation point to pop out of the top of the box when i walk up next to the door XD
it depends.... if I can get my cardboard armor done by then, then that's what I will wear. if not, my fallback costume is the Rorschach costume I wore last year.
Hoping to have my Dutch ODST build mostly done by then..I work that night. :pODST RUNNING THE BOWLING ALLEY!! HOORAH!

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ODST:HellJumper said:
my halo costume failed :(

I'm sorry to hear that... I plan to go as Master Chief (frizzlefry's design). I finished pepping everything, but when I started to resin my assault rifle, it didn't dry! I decided to do everything with hotglue instead... I hope I can finish before Halloween!
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Boo said:
I'm sorry to hear that... I plan to go as Master Chief (frizzlefry's design). I finished pepping everything, but when I started to resin my assault rifle, it didn't dry! I decided to do everything with hotglue instead... I hope I can finish before Halloween!

um.... did you use hardener? or is it could outside?
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ok guys, i did this two years ago and im STILL getting props :D . It worked awsomely. it is a very cheap, inexpensive way to make a BEASTLY costume that ppl will be talking about for ever, like i said earlier.


Cotton balls

Corn Syrup

hair ties to hold your hair back

non-toxic gold paint or non-toxic silver paint (whichever you want)

2 paint brushes (you want one thats large and one thats smaller for finer detailing)

a ping pong ball that you don't need anymore (optional)

a sharpie (optional)

x-acto knife (optional)

about an hour of work before u go out.

Heres the plan. this is a make-up project unlike any other you have done before :D i not only got props, i got extra candy and people even slammed doors in my face screaming in terror :D First step, you take the larger of the two paint brushes and pour some corn syrup into a bowl. stir it up for just a little bit and then start "painting" the corn syrup onto your face. put a semi-generous amount. don't apply it all in one shot as it will dry when you start the next step. do it in patches. when you paint the corn syrup in patches, do it wherever you want make-up. the project is easier if you have a friend/girlfriend/wife/parent to help you. when you finish applying a patch of syrup, you should have some cotton balls that you unrolled before hand. apply the cotton balls to the syrup as needed. make the cotton bubble up in some areas for a really gruesom effect :) when you cover everything you want to cover with cotton balls, color the cotton balls with either gold or silver paint. the gold works really well for a life-like freddy couger make-up and people won't believe its not a mask :D the silver makes you look like a monster made out of stone. the optional ping pong ball is for a bug-eye effect. cut it in half, color it black then cut small holes in them to see out of and scare some ppl :) hope u liked my tut :D

just a heads up guys, the make-up will start falling off after about 2 hours from sweat, and talking makes it fall off faster. to be more scarry, growl, but try not to talk, hope u like the make-up :p
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