Halo Reach Kat - Foam Armor *FINISHED* 10/31/11

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I didn't use a clear coat on my foam suit, and it was perfectly fine in the rain. The only problem I had was chafing on my shins and boots, so pay special attention to those areas that rub.

Your armor is looking a thousand times better than my brown and gold blob...
Hey guys! My visor came in the mail yesterday! :D


But I don't think it will work too well because it is WAY TOO transparent. I do NOT want anybody to see my face at all when I wear the helmet. :\ And it really doesn't look like Kat's visor either. :( Makes me wonder if should buy that mirrored chrome visor that Calladar bought for his wife's helmet.

But in other news, I finished the tactical case!


Without flash:

Front view:

Back view:

I ended up NOT making it so I could put stuff in it. After careful thought, I would be afraid to bump something, especially with as clumsy as I am, and have the case fall off and then loose my $300 camera! D: Plus, after using screws to put the case on, there would not be any room to even put the camera in anyway. I did use craft foam to cover some areas of the case. The little center piece was constructed using 2 pieces of craft foam: a solid back layer and the top layer had the areas cut out. The sides of the case have craft foam over them as well. The lid was only pepped, hot glue for stiffness and then painted. I cut out pieces of foam for the pieces that stick out and glued them in place. I think it works out pretty good. :)

Also, the case is still not 100% finished. Maybe more like 98% finished. I am going to use my soildering iron to create the lines where the blue and silver meet on the case and add in a couple other detail lines. :p
Wow Goddess, your work is amazing! Just wondering... do you have a link to that visor Calladar used? I'm looking at options <_<

I'll definitely keep watching this. You make me so jelli ._.
Wow Goddess, your work is amazing! Just wondering... do you have a link to that visor Calladar used? I'm looking at options <_<

I'll definitely keep watching this. You make me so jelli ._.

Yeah, Calladar linked it in this thread on teh 4th page. This is the one he got: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0026R5QNQ
That is also the one I want since you can tell that you won't be able to see my face and it looks more like Kat's visor. The one Brandon sent me is too brown. The problem is, I can't afford this right now. :(
The case looks good. It's cool that you have a piece that is completely your own from model to build.

I really dig the storage-space idea, it's a shame you weren't able to make the case functional at this point in time. If you ever rebuild or modify it perhaps you could start with a hard-plastic box, outfit that with foam, and then somehow through-bolt it through the thigh piece to a plastic plate on the inside of the thigh to keep it in place if/when you bump into something.
Based on the models and the figures, have you thought of making it the same way as an odst helmet? that is, use the big visor as one part, then theres a line towards the bottom that could mark where u could attach a second visor. I'd show you if I knew how to add pics...
Based on the models and the figures, have you thought of making it the same way as an odst helmet? that is, use the big visor as one part, then theres a line towards the bottom that could mark where u could attach a second visor. I'd show you if I knew how to add pics...
I don't get what you are talking about. Kat's visor isn't like the ODST visor. I only need one full visor, but the one that I got is too see-thru and the color does not match the same one that Kat has.
The thigh pack looks perfect. Your paint jobs are always what pulls it all together. Is it functional?
tactical case came out really well.. did you make it where it opens?

The thigh pack looks perfect. Your paint jobs are always what pulls it all together. Is it functional?
Well if you read what I posted with the pictures, you would have found out that I didn't for certain reasons. :p

Anyway, things are starting to look pretty grim now. :(

ForgedReclaimer has NOT been able to work on any models lately and I still have NO chestplate that actually fits since the nice one that L3X did is not the actual female style chestplate. I was hoping to get a new, accurate belt, but I just went with the one that my buddy, TheDigitalFix, made quite some time ago. I also ended up just using the forearm that Ruze made as well. I'm hoping to have those done soon. I already printed and cut out the templates for both pieces.

I'm still waiting for the rest of the stuff that Brandon sent and is letting me borrow.

I'm down to 13 days left to have this finished for the convention. It's not looking too good now. :\ And to make things worse, I'm working like 5-6 days this week. That REALLY cuts out the free time I have to work on this.

If I can get the belt and forearm done soon, that will still leave the chestplate and then I gotta finish up the prosthetic arm. Then of course I still gotta make the handplates. I practically forgot all about those! XD
I still have NO chestplate that actually fits since the nice one that L3X did is not the actual female style chestplate.
Hey goddess, first off I just want to say that your build is amazing! I check out the thread almost every time I get on to see the progress. Anyways, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to explain what you think should be changed on the female torso. I'm actually off work tomorrow and would be more than willing to rework my model for you!
Hey goddess, first off I just want to say that your build is amazing! I check out the thread almost every time I get on to see the progress. Anyways, I was wondering if you would be so kind as to explain what you think should be changed on the female torso. I'm actually off work tomorrow and would be more than willing to rework my model for you!

Well, what I can do is maybe get you some screenshots of your female torso layed over an image of the reference pics I have in blender. I tried to edit your model, but I'm still new to modeling and don't have the time to really work on that. I built the chestplate of yours and when I make it so the back of the chestplate touches my back, the front comes out so far that it looks like I have triple D's! XD LOL The width is great, but the depth is off. Plus the back is supposed to be more narrow than the male's. I'll just show you the pics. :p Hopefully I can stay awake when I get off work and get those pics.
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