Jester 1014: Combo Pep Build

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He he Update time, well Lastnight while nialing out two term papers I started and finished both handplates in foam and started my boot with resize. Comments and crit is much appreciated, Just no flaming please.

I'm quoting Hugh Holder on this, "If others wish post images of their build on my thread, then by all means, I joined this site to talk about projects and sharing Ideas." Just make sure you guys state who you are and your build.







Have a buddy coming over this weekend. Got a few new tool to try out, could possibly have half a suit or more by monday!


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OOOOHH MMM MMM MMMMMMM THAT $#!+ LOOKS SO GOOD IM GANA JUMP THROU MY SCREEN AND EAT IT!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Sorry I’m lil hyper from beating black ops on veteran. But seriously it looks really cool. You should mold the pieces instead of applying resin around the foam. Cause what if you wana make another suit without going through all this hell again and I think after applying resin to the foam won’t the resin crack off since the foam isn’t solid? Just asken
Seriously...i do alot of builds just have not done a pep design, i usually use clay and make rtv molds of the design and then use 2 part resin and make my casts... have never done a pep helm build considering I dont know how to adjust the size to fit me
make sure it's 110lb. Wal mart carries them for cheap.

Just got a Hot Knife today for 10 bucks. lets see how it works on the foam.
ok so i've been hearing about all this foam armor and im curious on what a whole suit looks like done in foam... does anyone have a completed suit ? and also if you use foam do you still use fiberglass to re enforce it or no ?...
Oh BTW I can point you in the direction of how to make a hot knife for really cheap check here
"this uses a battery charger, You could use the set up from video 1 and use the battery charger as the power" that is a cheap way and you all probably have everything you need laying around your house.. Happy Building
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I just finished my shin. And no no Fiberglass in needed. If you use the EVA Foam mats (mechanics shop floor mats you can pick up at Harbor Freight) they're stiff enough and thick enough to take a hit (About a Half inch thick) There are a few Finished and WIP suits here on the site. let me find their links real quick.
This is really neat foam build in the link.

Oh and I bought a nice hot knife for 10$ at my hobby shop.
Don't own a guitar anymore, there is also a tool used for Train model sets. the tool looks like a 2 pronged fork with wire inbetween.
it ranges in size from 1/4" - 2" inches in size. the wire gets pretty hot, around 250 - 450 degrees. It cuts the foam like butter and cost $10.

Also mate, watch the Double posting. If you need to add something, just edit your previous post. It keeps clutter down.

Great build man! Love the progress shots... your doing some awesome work man.... I have one of the forks your talking about... but I prefer my band saw... my wire foam cutter doesn't leave nice enough edges for me... Just my 2 cents....

Ok I was thinking to use it to clean up edges at least, I don't really have access to awesome power tools like most.
Really like that AS you're working on the C31. I'm thinking of going and using 1/8 inch foam for panels like you did.

Thanks for that, now I know not to use it on major cuts.
Hey Jester....

Just take some scrap pieces and test it out for yourself... see how steady your hands are :p I am not that steady so I can use the bandsaw qith the fence and get a nicer edge... But then I have keep figuring out compound angles :p

Seriously... your doing awesome work and I'll definitely keep an eye on this one...

Again, thanks Cujo

I tried to use a Bandsaw a few years ago while in construction.... didn't go so well and my name was made "squirrly" by my co-workers.
My main hobby is my Mech model kits and wiring lighting, my hands can be surprisingly steady. When wiring a panel, unsteady hands = unsteady heartbeat lol.
This should help you out, its a foam tut by BenStreeper, he explains the basics, thanks to him the foam builds trend started, im waiting on funds to start my own. :)

Hey trooper,

I started my foam with $20. If thats the route you're wanting to go.

Almost have the boot done next to Foam is the Toe. Looked at the boots while playing Noble Actual. The boot plates need to be a bit bigger. Ruze sees this I hope he takes note of what I said but not in a bad way though.
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