LongShot-X's Mark VI HD MJOLNIR Armor - WIP

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Progress Update

Repaired the LED's in the boots. I was not happy with the wires running down from the shin's electronics and into the boots. Figured if I'm going to solve this, I had better solve it right!

The boots LED's now has its own switch & battery.
Pain the A$$ but it works. This also means that the heal piece must remain removable.
This leads me to the next problem....

The clacking of the heel's when I walk!
I sounded like a horse when I walk.
The best solution that I could come up with is to use Velcro at the back of the heel.
Utilizing the extra height (from the battery) at the front of the heal, I figured that Velcro could assist with keeping the back portion raised just a bit. The problem that I have been reading is that the Velcro does not stay on. We need a solution! So... I figured I'd try one.

Install the Velcro like so. The back of the boot and the inside back of the heel piece.
I suspect that this is where the problems begin. The sticky back Velcro on the boot has an obvious tendency to come off. Use the Shoo Goo. Apply a bit to your finger and run a THICK line along the edges of the Velcro on the back of the boot. (See pic below)

Because the Velcro is already coming loose and not staying in contact with the Shoo Goo, we'll need to tape things up. Nice and snug.

Do this until the whole Velcro strip is taped up.

Now we need to wait for at least 24 Hours. I prefer 48 to 72 hours.

The combination of the Sticky back and the Shoo Goo should keep the Velcro from coming off. I'm using the Shoo Goo because it adheres well to Leather and it remains flexible. Yet it will also hold the Velcro in place and keep it from pealing off.

I'll keep you all posted on this after the Goo has had time to harden.

Other minor updates: 1st coat of paint applied to the wrist plates. Started to detail paint the Forearms. Finished installing the padding into the Shins. Continuing to work on Bondo'ing and have figured out a solution to the chest clips. (Pics will be taken on that) Hint: it will utilize part of the clips and Rare Earth magnets.

My Status Icon as it looks so far:

It's Getting THERE!

I didn't have the clacking issues with my heels. I had it on my toes, and I just simply raised the toe cap a tad. If you still have problems what I did for my thigh, and shins rubbing and clacking was add some of the craft foam to the ends, and it fixed my clacking problem. Try it out if what you already did doesn't fix it.
I didn't have the clacking issues with my heels. I had it on my toes, and I just simply raised the toe cap a tad. If you still have problems what I did for my thigh, and shins rubbing and clacking was add some of the craft foam to the ends, and it fixed my clacking problem. Try it out if what you already did doesn't fix it.

Thanks... but so far I have no issues with the shins or the thighs.. I've been walking around in them for the last few days. No rubbing or noises anywhere. It was only the heal part that was clacking. The toe cap is completly silent and still feels very solid.

personally dude i think it is but going around and asking for a promotion is a one way trip to not getting it. admins specifically say NOT to ask to be promoted, yes this is based on opinion but i wouldn't go forcing their hand like this. coincidentally i think it is worth elite status but its not my call.
Thanks... but so far I have no issues with the shins or the thighs.. I've been walking around in them for the last few days. No rubbing or noises anywhere. It was only the heal part that was clacking. The toe cap is completly silent and still feels very solid.


no, no , no what I meant was you could use the same method I did on my thighs, and shin armor with your heels.
personally dude i think it is but going around and asking for a promotion is a one way trip to not getting it. admins specifically say NOT to ask to be promoted, yes this is based on opinion but i wouldn't go forcing their hand like this. coincidentally i think it is worth elite status but its not my call.

Thank for bringing this to my attention.

To clarify: The polls intent is NOT to force a hand or ask to be promote. In fact the poll is not asking if it should be promoted. It is merly asking "is it worthy?" The wording is very precise. A method I choose to use to gain additional feedback on how well this project is doing.

My previous post about if it was moved to the elite section would be cool.... I stand by that! As what was said was truly my thoughts and feelings about IF it was. There was also a prev post about my confidence with regards to its chances of being promoted. But again I was not ASKING for it to be promoted.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Hope that clears thing up a bit.

Progress Update

Progress update for Sept 1st... Have to go to work to earn some $$$'s. Then the rest of the evening will be on the project.

Sooo. While I'm at work you can have a better look at how things are progressing.
Such as: Pics of Testing the Suit!

This Cod piece is almost finished. Still have to "Finish Sand" the Butt Plate.
Forearm and hand plate detailing has been started. Still have to blackwash, brush and dry brush them. Then the LED's etc...


Ahhh there we go... a head shot!
Finally a full body Pic!

Oh... Oh... MC's got a belly showing!

Got new plungers that protect and support the Shins.
Went with a Black Latex spray. Sticks well and is flexible.
They still need a 2nd coat of paint.

Turned down the room lights for this pic.

The green tape in the boots is from the Velcro process that I'm testing out

Soo far... things are looking Good!

O-M-G O.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just... amazing, fabulous, awesome, EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations man, it's an elite armor ;)!
You have some really good work going on there, I tell you noobs rock too xD. Overkill on the led's but nice job. Remember now that you've inspired me to start a project
Again, very very awesome! Question- Where do you get that little progess icon thingie? I've seen 'em I'd search, but don't know what it's called and I want one!
Progress Update

Progress for Sept 2nd

Started to Bondo and Sand the chest piece.
It needs a few more days worth of work before its ready for painting.


This piece is easy to get into... Its the getting out of, that's a huge challenge.
So... I have thought up a way to deal with that.
I'll break off the Parachute Tabs and install magnets.

Now don't laugh!
As you can see I have left the center portion of the male Chute clip and broke off the 2 side locking tabs. You can see the shiny piece of metal on the right of the Chute clip. That's the magnet.


Same piece, different angle. Rare Earth magnets are very brittle and as such need to be reinforced or they will break. I epoxied some craft sticks to the back for extra strength. the magnet and the sticks are epoxied to the chest.

The reason why I left the Chute clip's center piece intact is so that it can help support the front piece. Up and down, or sideways jostling could cause the front piece to fall off.

Case in point: When you try to remove 2 joined rare earth magnets.
Do you pull them straight apart? --or-- Do you slide them apart?
Correct answer: It's way easier to slide them apart!

This is what the center piece of the chute clip prevents. "The sliding apart of the magnets."

I have tried the chest piece on several times with a full range body actions, including jumping. It still holds. Yet with a bit of muscle I can push the chest piece off.

Cod Pieces are Bondo'd. Need a little bit more sanding on the Butt piece. Some warping of the pouches but that's ok I deal with them later. Otherwise, painting has started.

I totaly agree: "Noobs Rock" LOL... that's not to far from what I'll be doing with this suit. After all I am going to be adding 4 speakers to it. They in turn will be connected to my internaly chest mounted notebook, which in turn will be doing 2 things. Acting as a PA for my helm mic and playing some techno and or halo tunes. --- Wait and see! (after Reach)
Over kill on the LED's... No way... I've been fighting to hold back. Way back when I was pepping each piece. I would see a cool little indent or divit and say. "That would be a cool spot for something. Something like an LED!" I'll agree that it is not to game specs, but then again I have already decided to take this suit way beyond Master Chief's game accurate suit. I have been pondering as to exactly what to call it. LongShot-X's MJOLNIR Mark VI Modified DJ suit. I do plan on putting in vibration actvated Red and Blue LED flashers. Don't forget, I can turn them on or off.

yes and no... Each piece has its own switch. I have placed these switches at an easily accessable place. So that I can turn them on or off with out having to get out of the suit to do it. That reminds me... one of the thigh switches needs to be relocated because its hard to get at!

@Spartan Will-043
Well... It's not yet completed so it can't be called "Elite" yet. Also, its not my call. Time will tell. Having said that, it sure FEELS like its worthy of that status. Keeps me motivated and inspired! Thanks for your vote of confidence! It helps!

You are like 1 step to finish your armor and Im like a 1000 jaja, you really work a lot in this. Again awesome job.
haha this is awesome! another question for ya though longshot... you say that you have to slide the magnets apart, yet the parachute clip is perpendicular to the magnet. how do you manage to slide them apart without breaking the clip?
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