My First Helmet/armor Build

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The only problem I can see is that you made the inside of the thighs as hard as the rest of the armor, and that will rub and bang as you walk, but that's ok.

Is there something else I'm supposed to do to the inside of the thighs to strengthen them? I am kind of learning as I go along with this stuff so any input will be well received.

After I got the base coat of green on there were some problem areas that I want to go over with bondo or maybe smooth out with a palm sander, so it might get finished today and it might not. Either way on to the boot soon!
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Man liq i have been watching this and i must you are doing a fantastic job! Its kind of wierd becasue i am like just a few steps behind you (im still laying down fiberglass in my pieces) but i have almost the same pieces as you done. I must say that you have done one of the best paintjobs i have seen, i mean that is exactally what i am looking for when my armor is complete. Keep up the good work dude! :)
Hey Liq I was wondering the same thing about there being only file for the shin piece, so i went and tryed to find out if there was another one, but it seems there is only one by crackhead that i could find. The only solution I can think of is to go into pep designer and flip it like you said. At least this way if it is unfolded wrong it would still look symetrical and nobody would notice. I dont think. ;)
they definitely aren't symmetrical, and the default file looks much better on the left side so I'm assuming its left greave. Either way I got it painted up, and its not too bad putting it on but removal is a pain. I might play around with the bottom a bit more on the inside.

I've actually decided to ditch the strap method I did on the shins and use neodymium magnets. I was playing with some at Walmart and they were very difficult to pry apart yet pretty small. I can probably build up some bondo to use as a base on each side in a couple areas and glue the magnets to the bondo base. I'll have to wait until next week to try this, my wife works at a hardware store and I can get the magnets ordered cheaper than Walmart or online price.

Oh, and I got the right hd boot pepped, man what a pain that was....probably the most complex piece thus far. I should have it fiberglassed tomorrow with some pics up here after I get further along with it.
got a couple more items done, or done enough to show...

right on this I did cheat on the little circle things because I didn't feel like cutting and folding them out, so I put a layer of cardstock behind the holes I cut for at least some indention. I have mounted it but I need to trim front because it hits floor when I walk. Oh and I need to grab a toilet plunger today.


left thigh is nearly done(smaller girls side) I had to take it back out to adjust paint and I still need to add some reflective tape to the slots above knee then its finished.


now for the big one...I did cheat on this a little(thanks, you know who you are :D ), but I'm making up for it in the amount of finish/paintwork I'm putting into it. I was considering doing magnets for the connect, but I think I'm going to do straps up top and maybe magnets on bottom. I'll get that worked out today, hopefully. Oh and the pajama pants took me several days of fiberglassing and bondo work to get just right.

I've got the chest/back nearly finished. I want to use 1 3/4 inch straps to hold it together up top and maybe magnets to keep it straight at the bottom. I would have it 100% done but nobody around town sells 1 3/4 strapping, it either 1 inch, 2 inch or some funky colored crap. Oh well, I'll Ebay it or something.


I need to go out and trim the ab plate a little before I install it, but some good thunderstorms just rolled by so work ends for the day. I'll probably just epoxy some 1 1/2 inch elastic strips from chest to ab to hold it on so it free floats a bit.

Hey, I don't know if this will happen, but heat can render magnets inert. Might want to test them with the hot glue before inserting them where you can't get them out.
I say this to quite a lot of people and I probably will say this for many to come, so here it is (THIS SHOULD BE MOVED TO THE ELITE FORUM)!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and great job on the armour, looking good! :)
Thank you so much for the compliment, but my work doesn't even compare to the masterpieces in elite section.
that armor is looking great just wondering does your arms hit the chest piece when you reach across it casue mine does lol and yours looks about the size of mine
Awesome progress! I always read your thread when I need the motivation to get in the garage and get to work.
Jjack said:
that armor is looking great just wondering does your arms hit the chest piece when you reach across it casue mine does lol and yours looks about the size of mine

Its hard to tell at this point since I don't have it properly mounted together. I just ordered about $35 worth of straps, buckles and slides so we will find out this week. I did get the ab plate cut and mounted last night using the elastic strips for the free float thing I was mentioning earlier and it looks like it will work well.

phenry your awesome work was what got me wanting to get my stuff going. I even have your WIP bookmarked and check it for updates. I'm really looking forward to seeing your finished work.
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small update...I got the chest/back pieces strapped together. All thats left with it is getting ab plate on permanently, so its just sitting in the chest on pic. Oh, and I need to do a little padding. I'll be glassing my 2nd shin today, and hopefully pepping my left boot early next week.

Its been a bit since I've updated, but I have been steadily working on it. At the rate I'm going I should have plenty of time to get an HD helmet in before Haloween, as long as I don't run into any roadblocks.

I'm nearly done with my left boot, but I might adjust paint on the original so I've kind of kept it this way until I decide what to do. I have modified the paintwork on nearly every piece I have shown so far, heh.


I just got the codpiece pepped out today, and I'll be starting the resin/fiberglass stage later this afternoon.


I want to have the entire bottom area strapped, painted, padded and basically finished by next weekend then I'll be down to arm area and new helmet.
Every update post you add is proof positive that dedicated hard work can pay off in spades! Your armor is coming together amazingly! I am really a fan of your weathering.
I'm still on target for finishing up the bottom half this weekend. I just need to get straps on thighs, maybe trim either them or cod a little so I can close my legs, add some padding to leg pieces and get boots attached, touch up painted. I'm shooting for finishing up the arms by end of Sept. and having the whole month of October to get my hd helmet done along with any small details I've left behind.

The cod was easier than I thought it would be. I scaled it at 30.5cm and it was just a little snug when I cut it in 2 pieces, so I went with cutting the packs, cod and butt into 4 pieces. I drilled two holes into packs, and three into butt to hold the belt. I then epoxied 2 male ends of buckles with some strap to cod area. It all works together rather well, but seems like it might droop a little if I move around alot. I didn't want to use suspenders, so I might add some ac weathersripping for padding above the straps. Any suggestions will be welcome and appreciated with this.


heres a shot of the inside. I think I have 4 layers of fiberglass and some
bondo skimmed on the butt, but i still ain't sitting on it.
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