My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Let it be known that I watched an episode of MLP so that I could say that I had an informed opinion on the subject. To be honest, it was okay but a bit hard to stomach. I wouldn't mind watching it with my little sister once in a blue moon, but I cannot fathom how teenage boys could watch the show based on its own merits. It is a show that takes the adventure and fantasy of The Lord of the Rings or Zelda, dumbs it down, and makes it sparkly for prepubescent girls. There were a few chuckles, but again, all of the jokes and gags were dumbed down for children. Personally, I will stick with the classical epics, i.e. Le Morte D'Arthur, The Nibelungenlied, The Iliad and the Odyssey, and any of Tolkien's or G.A. Henty's masterpieces.
So carrying on from that little... detour haha. We've managed to convert...2? 3? more people into bronies?

It'd be pretty cool if we gathered the bronies and did something along the lines of adding cutie marks to armor (on the shoulders, as a small detail on the chest, etc) for a con, just to see peoples reactions to the mix :p

So what your saying is, is that your having a sleep over?. lol just kidding.

I didn't want to say that joke, but the thought of grown men having a sleepover and puting Cutie marks on halo armour made me laugh so hard i almost cried ROFL.

No offence or anything, just a joke that based through my head as i know thats not what you meant.

If you want me to see a full one, Ill download a quick torrent just to see. But as far as cartoons go, the only ones i would ever watch are the really old cartoons or maybe the first few seasons of Digimon if they got re-run, I loved that show in elementary school.
So what your saying is, is that your having a sleep over?. lol just kidding.

I didn't want to say that joke, but the thought of grown men having a sleepover and puting Cutie marks on halo armour made me laugh so hard i almost cried ROFL.

No offence or anything, just a joke that based through my head as i know thats not what you meant.

If you want me to see a full one, Ill download a quick torrent just to see. But as far as cartoons go, the only ones i would ever watch are the really old cartoons or maybe the first few seasons of Digimon if they got re-run, I loved that show in elementary school.
Don't even bother downloading a torrent. There are a bunch of episodes on Youtube. As far as cartoons that I can tolerate, I enjoy the old Animated Batman series and any of the various X-Men Series. I was able to get my little brother hooked on them, so now I don't have to watch any of those stupid kid Nickelodeon shows.
Don't even bother downloading a torrent. There are a bunch of episodes on Youtube. As far as cartoons that I can tolerate, I enjoy the old Animated Batman series and any of the various X-Men Series. I was able to get my little brother hooked on them, so now I don't have to watch any of those stupid kid Nickelodeon shows.

Exactly. I can't for the life of me find an animated show on TV these days that is worth my time. Nickelodeon, Disney, and Cartoon Network are pretty much crap, so I guess thats what made me a brony...
@ SchizophrenicMC; my apologies to adding to the degradation of your thread, i am happy to see it has returned to constructive discussion about a common interest. I have edited several of my posts for content, will remove the remaining images if you wish. (for the record the war was fun while it lasted)

@ Toa: tone it down brother, you are better than that.
That made me sad
Hope this will cheer us up.
Ok, watched an episode and while i saw a funny bit or two, i still don't see the fascination. Not really my style. I'm more of a guns blazing total war, live or die SCI-FI and mid evil honour and soldiering sort of guy. For a cartoon its probably one of the better ones out today, but not high up on my EPIC-O-METER.

Btw, i found the ultimate evil for the ponies. An enemy of true power over the Ponies and have done so through the great west itself.

The cowboy, the original cattle herder of horses, cows, and ponies alike. And whom rains supreme. I'm not restarting the war, just adding in one last bit lol.
Ok, watched an episode and while i saw a funny bit or two, i still don't see the fascination. Not really my style. I'm more of a guns blazing total war, live or die SCI-FI and mid evil honour and soldiering sort of guy. For a cartoon its probably one of the better ones out today, but not high up on my EPIC-O-METER.

Btw, i found the ultimate evil for the ponies. An enemy of true power over the Ponies and have done so through the great west itself.

The cowboy, the original cattle herder of horses, cows, and ponies alike. And whom rains supreme. I'm not restarting the war, just adding in one last bit lol.
Oh really? Did he see a griffon before?

That's one of the finishing touches I'll add.
My little 10 year old sister just proclaimed that the concept of the Brony is totally gay. Her words, not mine, but they bring me O so much joy. :D
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