What Are The 3D Modeling Basics?

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Jr Member
so im thinking of modeling my own reach marine but i dont know where to start i have blender and i saw some of those blender tuts but there is so many so could someone show me the most important tips for modeling

First, many topics have already been started like this, so please use the search button before posting.

Start first with the blender noob to pro wikibook


That'll help you to learn the basics of blender. It's also helpful to do all of the tutorials yourself in it.

I'd also recommend looking at several blender time lapses/ videos of somebody modeling something.

For modeling pieces, you'll want (at the very minimum) a good side and a good front shot. (pics)

Begin by using those as your backgrounds on blender. (Read the book for the how to)

Go to wireframe mode. (and edit mode)

Wireframe mode helps so you can see the pic and still see the faces.

Then you either want to begin by extruding the blocks or vertices to build the outline of the piece.

Once you have one plane of the piece built you're going to want to move into another plane/view (x,y to x,z).

By extruding and moving the pieces enough you should be able to build the basic shape of the model.

F makes faces and joins to vertices in a line

X deletes whatever you have it delete.

Practice is the best way to learn.
It all really depends on how you learn best. For me, sitting down, and getting my hands dirty has worked the best. In light of that, what I would recommend is finding a simple everyday object, like a pen, or a cup, and start to model. I'm assuming that you've at least watched one or two of the basic modeling tutorials, so you understand the simpler aspects of how Blender UI works(Or doesnt work...). If not, then I would try and find some videos walking you through the very basic, beginning steps. Then as you are modeling your objects, and you arent sure of how to do something, poke around in the menus, try out different tools, post on the forums(Blender would probably be the best, though I'm sure PM specific people could help to). When looking around how to achieve an effect, you may not find what you are looking for, but I find that effects and tools that do unexpected, yet cool things stick in my mind better, and when the time comes for me to need them, I remember how I did them.

Then again, if you learn best by watching, I might google videos of people actually modelling various objects, so you can see their process, etc.

On a semi-related note, I would HIGHLY recommend checking out http://www.wings3d.com/, It is the modeling program that I first learned on, after giving up on Blender 2-3 times, because in my opinion, the UI sucks. I will warn you now, it is not nearly as complete as Blender, but as far as I know, you are able to do everything you need to in order to create models for pep. There is a forum community, while not large, they are active enough that your problems will be sorted out in a day or two. If you choose this route, feel free to message me, and I would be happy to help you get started, and then answer any questions I can.

Good Luck!

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