Master Chief MJOLNIR MkVI Armour Build

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coming along real good.
how did you mount the belt/staps to the inside of the cod peace? alot of glue or sealant.
Thanks for the comments all :)

To hedtrip and Prettyfloralbonnet, I used 2 part epoxy glue to attack the straps to the belt, it seems to hold well ;)

Some helmet progress now, I've been adding the floating faces using plastic sheet, with a little alteration to the back of the helmet. Just need to add detail to the light sections, the other pipe vent on the front and some more patching up of the bondo before it can be painted.





Yo bro this is some great work and your bondoing sills are amazing. 1 Question though, where did you get your electronics?
I'd have to agree with prettyfloralbonnet, I'm diggin' the detail with the plastic sheets. Like I tell everyone else building the mkVI suits, I can't wait to finish my MkV....
Thanks for the kind comments.

HistoryFox - I bought the electronics from a store called Maplin, but I think they only have shops in the UK, all the electronics I bought should be available easily enough in any electronics or computer store :)

iainsnodgrass - What I have are visor inserts, which I bought from ebay, you should be able to find some on there if you type in 'iridium gold visor' ;)

Some more pictures of the helmet; most of the painting has now been done, just some touching up of the black then weathering. Next step is fitting the visor and electronics.



well when you look at the reference pics, you can see that the edges on the mouth piece are clearly defined whereas your edges are too rounded. just my opinion bro. keep up the great work
Well its been some time since I updated this or did any work on the suit (9 months!!!) but now that university is finished for the summer I can finally get back to it :D

Like I said there hasn't been much in the way of progress since the last update, however the electronics have been fitted to the helmet so I'll get a pic of that up soon.
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