Reaction score

  • That's awesome, for everything :p
    I've been busy, problems with friends, loads of screwing up, etc....
    How about you?
    Nein, I haven't worked on it in a while...
    And that's good, look a bit further and you might find what you're looking for :p
    Thanks man!
    Happy holidays :p
    I got cash, perfume and an iTouch that I have to pay for myself.
    Jailbroke it as soon as I got it, I've been playing Nazi Zombies and BFBC 2 ALL DAY.
    I wonder if there's a fan-made Halo app....
    I've restarted pepping -> I haven't pepped in a while, and I pepped MS7's US/BASE SECURITY shoulder yesterday, without the boxes in the back because A) They are almost unnoticeable and B) It wasn't well modeled, so there's an error in the geometry. :p
    ....Must. Pep. Armor.

    So to speak. I haven't pepped anything in a LONG while, with christmas vacations on the way, I should be able to do some decent stuff.
    And up here in Canada, it's way too cold for resining right now so.... tough luck
    Wow, people do such crazy things....

    And you know what I hate to do?
    You know what I always do?
    The consequences of that procrastination?
    I love my school.
    Wait, what????
    Send me a link!

    And btw, have you found any RC files?
    I've got Nintendude's, but they are ripped from the game and are not that good.... I've heard that Jakkrit is making armor though, so I just gotta wait for that...
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I'm a bit of a nutcase, though most people enjoy that about me.

Video games, Star Wars, Transformers, physics, and psychology.
Classified in accordance with ONI protocol.
Classified in accordance with ONI protocol.


A.O.A. Delta-3 Division, ONI Section III

"Silly Grunts, kills are for Master Chief!"