Recent content by Hackjale

  1. Hackjale

    Slicing the Athlon Helmet

    Hey guys, I recently bought an Ender 3 and I've been looking toward the Halo 5 Athlon suit for the last year or so (I have the whole suit built out of raw foam, i just haven't had time to update my build thread yet ;D) I need help trying to split the helmet for 3D print, as the helmet is too...
  2. Hackjale

    Hackjale's Athlon Build Thread (WIP)

    Bit of an update (Not much, as this has been on the backburner over the summer as I transfer computers/accumulate materials.) Files have been transferred to .DXF, modified slightly, and put on 600x900mm sheets for my laser cutter. I'll post them if there's any demand, but as they're .dxf's and...
  3. Hackjale

    Hackjale's Athlon Build Thread (WIP)

    Fixed! Forums and I never seem to get along
  4. Ath


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  10. Athlon Build Thread Album

    Athlon Build Thread Album

  11. Hackjale

    Hackjale's Athlon Build Thread (WIP)

    PART ONE: Shin/Boot. Yesterday we calibrated the laser cutter to work with foam, after a few struggling attempts... tried to cut out finger files first. 19489983_10209929316137813_1979886211_o by Hackjale posted Jun 23, 2017 at 1:04 PM 19490388_10209929315977809_1904159295_o by Hackjale...
  12. Hackjale

    Hackjale's Athlon Build Thread (WIP)

    Hey all! Realised there isnt any full standard Halo 5 Athlon builds out there, so I'm gonna put a change to that! I understand not many people like Halo 5's suits but I'm in love with this... SPACE RESERVED FOR PHOTOS Building the whole thing out of Polyprops CF65 and cutting with my...
  13. Hackjale

    JonteBoi's Second Halo: Reach Spartan Costume

    whats the flexibility like on that torso? :p
  14. Hackjale

    Looking for something bulky...

    Hey all! Summer's started and i've got a bunch of foam rolls I want to get to work with. A couple weeks ago I put together a mishmash of armour pieces from Halo 4 into Armorsmith Designer to get a feel of what kind of things I could do, looking toward whereisdanielle's Kelly for inspiration as...