Hi again. I just started my HD Noble Six Helmet and am sticking the card with thin cyano. I find i'm leaving my finger prints all over the tabs and joins...Literaly as I can see skin on there. Anybody have any ideas for the best glue to do the card together? I've also got some ideas to chop my helmet up once it is glassed inside as I think thats going to be the best time to make the panels adjustable. Lipo battery and fan filter access would be handy. I'm going to mix aluminium powder to the resin coat
(50/50) mix and use it as texture and magnetic shielding. I also just found out there's a micro computer coming out called a "Rasberry Pi". it's sold out already and is about £25. How about some AI in this little machine and have your own Jarvis like tony stark....It would easily fit in most any of the halo chest armour. Anyway only the top of my helmet is glued card at the mo' so i'll throw more of my crazy ideas on here as they come...