Recent content by The Alex

  1. T

    Favourite Film

    So many serious or quasi serious movies! I'm going to go out on a limb and say that my favorite movie is supertroopers, its almost too much funny to be contained in a single movie!
  2. T

    Hvmr-003 Prototype

    Now, this is just my opinion, but that doesn't look bad at all. You do have some issues with building the final model though, especially if the shop at your school is all you have to go with and you don't want to get booted. You COULD use some of the info in the Pep building stickies to...
  3. T

    Trying To Make A Mold Need Help.

    My link This thread has absolutely everything in it that you would need if you are molding with clay.
  4. T

    Need A Veterans Opinion

    You know, in the ODST trailer vid, they do show what the PT gear looks like, so that's not a bad idea at all.
  5. T


    Yeah...My grandfather was a freemason and a Templar, and about the shadiest and most secretive thing he ever did was to sneak off to a bowling alley without his wife knowing. TV takes a community make for good and blows little rumors and gossip way out of proportion.
  6. T

    Props Leekegan Hellsing 454 Casull Auto

    Damn Lee, you sir are amazing!
  7. T

    Son Of Russ

    Awesome, having only recently been brought into the 40k fold myself, I debated on whether to start up a set of Space Marine armor, ODST armor, or a set of old school iron man armor...a drunken night of Firefight solved that problem, but I really want to see how this comes out!
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    T-51B Wip

    Indeed! This is very cool, I love Fallout and it will be interesting to watch and see how this comes out.
  9. T

    Cast Armor

    This is crazy awesome! And i agree with loki, a full on cast metal helm would indeed make you a king of kings!
  10. T

    Brilliant Belt Idea!!!

    Seems to me that a lot of people could make the mistake that you are: a. Playing with yourself b. flashing them really in order to be certain they'd have to be pretty much staring at your crotch. But that's just me. I'm also fairly sure that MC has pouches on either side of his hips. I know...
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    if it's the oil based clay, the consistency will not change unless you add stuff to it. I find that medium is my favorite.
  12. T

    Paper Mache Test

    Very nice, it looks pretty smooth, i can still see the cardboard ridges and such, but it still looks pretty nice. Good job man.
  13. T

    Best compleated full pep armor

    Holy sweet mother of all that is holy. I likes it. i likes it a lot.
  14. T

    Ze's 2nd Cardboard Helmet - Take 2! Going for Game Accuracy...

    Nice looking for Cardboard. You find more glue. And rock on.
  15. T


    i have candy. get in the van. post 7 by frizzlefry. rock on.