Recent content by tipper

  1. T

    Drivers Permit

    Good luck Man. I'm going for my full license on the 7th of May, so I think we're in the same boat. I mean car.
  2. T

    A Story To Give You Guys A Second Thought About Partying Hard And Tell You My Adventure

    After a couple experiences watching people drink alcohol, I can pretty much say I will never get completely hammered for the sake of being drunk. I can almost bet I will never even drink a drop of alcohol for the remainder of my life. Long story short, going on vacation, I watched a couple...
  3. T

    Has Any One Ever Been Told They Was Gonna Grow Up To Be A Serial Killer

    You've got nothing to worry about. My friends saw me shooting a paintball gun at popcans about a year ago, and they thought I would be a serial killer. They also found out that I was living a very stressful lifestyle (I want to be a surgeon, and am scrambling right now to give my marks an...
  4. T

    Michael Crichton Dies?!?

    First Bernie Mac, then Paul Newman, and now this. A great writing talent that will be missed.
  5. T

    Big News!

    Congrats on the engagement and soon-to-be ceremony. Only the best wishes for you and your fiance! If the wedding crashers brigade is on, count me in!
  6. T

    How Tall Is Everyone?

    I'm 16, 5'11"-6.0' depending on the time of day. I also weigh about 145lbs.
  7. T

    Did I Do The Right Thing?

    You did the right thing... Stepped up when the time came for it. Should have gone for the jaw... forget the nose. Make him feel pain. Only 1 week's in school suspension, that's not as bad as it sounds. It could have been a lot worse. Sometimes, doing the right thing has a price. It's still not...
  8. T

    Finished My New G1 Optimus Prime Suit

    Even though I am a Pittsburgh fan, I can still say this. That is one awesome G1 suit.
  9. T

    Any Halo Related Coincidences?

    Some of the head pro's at the golf course started calling me Chief for some reason... I asked them if they knew what Halo was, and they had no idea.
  10. T

    Finnish School Shooting

    It's never easy hearing about this kind of stuff, especially if your friends lose relatives, or if you lose your friends. It's never easy to lose someone you knew. I still remember the time my friend was shot and killed. Needless to say, everyone in that school who was lost is in my prayers.
  11. T

    Everybody Needs To Laugh Sometimes

    You wouldn't believe how many I see of these when I go camping up north.
  12. T

    What's The Most Fail Thing You've Done?

    Same... Being too cautious always ends up physically hurting me. Who knew that hockey pads could turn into high speed projectiles.
  13. T

    What's The Most Fail Thing You've Done?

    I hit my head off the stairs at my house, giving myself a concussion. Did I mention I was vaccuming? FAIL Another one... I was on the driving range practicing for a tournament that was happening a week later. I hyperextened my arms on my swing and cracked a vertebrae in my back, preventing...
  14. T


    That's very true. Up north of the border, we go to different societies to get funding for experiments. Most of the time, the research is turned down as a fluke and our scientists ship out to Europe, the US, and other first world countries to look for other funding. And 100 million to fund...
  15. T


    I'm a little tired of everyone saying Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. GWT the world is going to end. It's not, and could actually better the world. On Wednesday, they are only going to test fire the protons one way. They aren't actually going to fire both ways until some time next month. Also, the...