3D Printed Halo Reach DMR

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Member DIN
Hey everybody! I'm currently working on a Halo Reach DMR that's being made via 3D printing. I've made a lot of progress on the build so far, as most of the parts I need for it are already printed.

I'm still missing the barrel and the scope, and the individual parts still need to be attached together, but I'm really happy with the current progress on the build. There is a length of PVC tubing that is running the length of the rifle, which will add to the structural support of the gun once it's assembled. There is also going to be electronics added to the rifle as well, but I'll cover that and other little details once I make more progress!
Heyo, wanted to make an update on some progress I've made on the rifle!


I've made the barrel for the rifle, which currently isn't attached to the rifle yet as it still needs to be sanded, so I now have a spear-like weapon to go along with the rifle XD


Finally, I printed the scope for the rifle, however it still needs to be assemble as it was printed in several pieces.


That's it for now, I'll keep you all updated once I get more done on the rifle!
no picutres of the ammo counter? i'm sad XD
Oh right forgot about that! Ammo counter isn't perfect yet but I'm happy with how it's coming along

It's still a work in progress but ill be tweaking it more so that it'll look better on the finished rifle.

Thanks to Zac for helping with the circuitry of the ammo counter!
Got some more progress photos to show you guys! So these are from a few days ago but I've started sanding and puttying the rifle, giving it this pinkish color.

Here's a comparison of the size between my rifle and one from H5

Still have a lot more sanding and puttying before I can move on to painting it.

I'll keep you guys updated once I make more significant progress! (y)
Heyo! I've made a lot more progress on the DMR!
So the DMR is sanded to a point that I'm happy with, so I've started the painting process.

While there are still imperfections on the rifle, I feel that the rifle is good enough for me to be happy with.

Just finished taping off the gun so I'll post another update tonight after the second color is fully dried.


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Hey everybody! The DMR is really starting to come along!

At the moment, what I am still missing on the rifle is the bolt, the scope and overall weathering, but I am super happy with the progress of it so far!

Once I start making significant progress on what I'm missing, I'll update you guys on how it looks then.
Hey everybody! Sorry for the long pause, I just didn't have the chance to get back on this project. I wanted to announce that the DMR is nearly finished!
While there is still a blackwash left to do, along with decals (Maybe), the weapon is at a state that I'm happy with.

While I'll admit the rifle has its flaws, I'm really happy with how it turned out in the end, and I feel that I've learned a lot during the process of building it.
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