405th Halo 3 tournament

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Friendly said:
Lee, just to be safe, I'm gonna have you guys play again. And if you would please send me the bungie.net link and stay on top of the brackets for me, it would be much appreciated. You were the one that made the brackets, right?

Where are the brackets, so that everyone can see them? Also, nothing has been announced as to when the actually play will begin - is there no reason we can't simply knock this out one afternoon on a Sat or something?
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Ok, this seems to have died, I don't know if anyone is interested any more or not. To answer the question, I did post some brackets but I didn't think we were going by it.
I'm not sure if this tournament is still alive or not - I know with my hospitalization then finals the few weeks after I had no time to devote to getting this on track but I can try to get it going again if everyone is still game.
I'll just let this post gage the interest of people who still want to play.
Yeah, it just seems like every time we get together to start a match, at least one person doesn't show up.
Friendly said:
Yeah, it just seems like every time we get together to start a match, at least one person doesn't show up.

I never heard from you on when we were doing this. I'm definitely still down for this. I just need to be kept in the loop.

Anyone want to friend me on XBL we'll duke it out for fun. Tag: Winter 000
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