All Gears of War COG helmets ( noob/WIP- P.S: not including the holiday helmets)

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Jr Member
so i havent been making any props for about half a year now and really want to get back into it so i thought what better way then to make all of the gears helmets.

to my knowledge there are 8 COG helmets not including the holiday helmets.

all of the files used for this build were obtained on the 405th and i do not take any responsibility for the creation of the files though i do not know who exactly made them all

the list of helmets as of 8/9/12 is

the COG gear helmet from pre GOW 3 games ( far right)

Anthony Carmine's helmet ( far left)

Ben Carmine's helmet

Clayton Carmine's helmet

Recruit Clay Carmines Helmet

Redshirt COG helmet

the concept helmet for a Female Onyx Guard

and the COG elite Helmet which i have made already but plain on repainting and adding more detail to it


if i made a mistake with the names or pictures of these helmets PM me, ill be updating this thread heavy with pictures as much as possible, all comments are welcome.


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working on the unfold for the clayton recruit helmet since there is no unflod of it yet, i am yet but just an amateur at unfolding to the peping part should be a bit sketchy, ill post the unfolded file anyway when im done unfldin it in case anyone wants to take a shot at it. cant say i didnt warn anyone though
actualy now looking at this helmet unfold its to big for me to even try and unfold decently so ill just eave it up to the pro's this time, good luck to whoever figures it out.
I'm currently working on the Recruit Clayton helmet, when I have it unfolded I'll send you a link, mate.
Here is the Recruit Clayton file, mate. The light and... pad things(?) on the right side of the helmet are nowhere to be found in the parts, but they'd be hard to pep, so you're better off hand-making them anyway man. This isn't best of unfolds, and I honestly stopped trying to put the parts on pages in a pattern, but it gets the job done. Have fun with it, mate!
thanks man, no problem about the parts on the side i wasnt to worried about them iether and was just going to leave them out of it as well when i was trying to unfold it , thanks alot
bout half way done on the Cog2 gear helmet in the peping faze, hopefuly get the rest or close to that done tonight


One small note, the helmet you posted pictures of isn't Ben's helmet, that's a random Gear's helmet from Gears of War 3 mate. In your first post, the picture of the helmet farthest right (labeled COG2) is the helmet you just posted pictures of. If you need Ben's helmet file, I have the file if you want to save searching around mate.
ah **** your right, i have been wondering that since there has been some controversy over witch helmet is ben's around the net. yeah that would be awesome if you could send that over.
Done the peping for the gears of war cog helmet.


now going to move onto to ben carmine's helmet, printing it out tonight and hopfully get pretty far along with it by thursday

( middle)
well photo bucket is being a dick so i cant post update pictures but i can say that i have gotten about halfway on the next helmet. picked up some bondo body filler and resin so going to start puting on the first of 2 or 3 coats of resin and then also start adding some detail to the cog elite helmet.
got alot more work done on the helmet i had peped

unfortunately what i had done on the peping of benjimen carmins helmet got thrown away at some point so im going to be restarting that or starting on a diffrent helmet soon after i get the detail work done on this helmet.
desiding whether i want to start the next helmet which would be Benjamin's, or start of some chest armor to start getting ready for the release of gears 4 which is due in march next year witch doesnt leave much time.

im in possession of an extending library of gears pep files so i can chose just about any COG soldier to make the chest armor of and i think im going with the Onyx Guard chest armor will work. but im still deciding.

Thought I would show you my Anthony Carmine and Ben carmine helmets that I have pep'd . Going try to actually finish the Anthony cus I have 11 days off of work starting this friday.

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