Any idea what kind of spider this is?

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Jr Member
Like the title says, Any idea what kind of spider this is?

It is maybe an inch and a half across (including legs), if it's the same ones I've seen upstairs they're pretty quick... Luckily they can't swim... this one drowned in the sink ;)
it may be a huntsman spider. they get to be as big as your hand from leg to leg. their venom wont kill you, but it hurts real bad.
Well I will just consider their presence an act of war, and kill all of the little bastards I see :)
It's not a wolf spider because they can walk on water....

Probably a sac spider or some other common house spider
First of all, the term in venomous, not poisonous. Also, I don't think you should worry about whether or not it's dangerous and just kill all spiders on sight. :whistle:
It kinda looks like a hobo spider, some reference pictures look like that while others do not so I am not entirely sure. Its dead now though, thats all that matters :)
Monstermaker13 said:
looks like a brown recluse to me.

yea that is very much not a brown recluse. Aside from the fact that recluses are rarely ever found in places that are quite bright, and where human activity is high (ie a bathroom), a recluse doesn't have any kind of markings on it's body at all really. pretty much just a straight creamy mocha brown all over.

This is probably just a common house spider, nothin to worry about (though i kill damn near any spider i see anyways.. god i hate spiders)
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Chewdog316 said:
Also resembles a crab spider, but is probably a house spider. Dont worry man just kill it and go on.
I have this big bloody spot of blood on my back now i got bitten in a hotel in California but a spider, had to go to hospital. Just kill it i have no mercy on spiders now. Send me some of its blood.
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Leadingspartan said:
I have this big bloody spot of blood on my back now i got bitten in a hotel in California but a spider, had to go to hospital. Just kill it i have no mercy on spiders now. Send me some of its blood.

Welcome to the hotel california! Such a lovely place (such a lovely place) spiders everywhere (spiders everywhere) Hope you don't get bit at the hotel california!

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