Army Of Two Armor

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New Member
Hi this is my first post, but not thats out of the way, heres the situation. So I found a really good Pepakura model of Rios' and Salem's mask from Army of Two. Then i moved onto their armor. I first when to looking for game pics of the two in their armor and found great shots. I've already found my choice for the chest armor, as seen here. The first is the generic plate carrier, my choice is the Black Hawk Down Plate carrier as seen, here. Thats the underlayer of their chest armor but my choice for the vest is the BLACKHAWK S.T.R.I.K.E Commando Recon Vest, in the style of a Rhodesian Recon Vest, as seen here. I've searched the internet for things about the armor. I haven't really found much, so I got the idea to do it out of Pepakura. If you guys could help out in any way possible, i'd greatly appreciate. Sorry if this seems to boring, long, etc. This is something i've been thinking about since the game came out.
Actually, THIS would be a much better vest. It is almost identical to the game and it is a LOT cheaper.

EDIT: if you do some research, you can find it in camo and tan

2nd EDIT: CLICKY Did it for you :D
mc hammer time said:
Actually, THIS would be a much better vest. It is almost identical to the game and it is a LOT cheaper.

EDIT: if you do some research, you can find it in camo and tan

2nd EDIT: CLICKY Did it for you :D

That would be an excelent vest for an ODST too.
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actually the reason i choose the Blackhawk is because it has just back straps, just like the vests in game, as seen here. the rest of the stuff on the back, aside from the pouch (which i still yet to have found a good look alike) are all on either the back loops or the back of the plate carrier.
Hi, and welcome to the 405th! One thing you will learn here is that it is a lot easier to make some of the things you need than you might think. The pouches that you mentioned, for instance.

If you search around in this forum you could probably find something about making them yourself.

If you have any questions, just message someone from the Q&A team, they reply very fast and provide excellent info.

Good luck with your project!
Its the not the pouches i'm interested, i already found good look-a-likes on some airsoft stores. My main problem is going to be the armor it self, as seen here. To me it would be a foam build for the actual parts themselves and metal pieces on top, but i was also thinking about pepakura because that can be designed and all. Essentially, the two characters have the same armor, with the exception of the neck/bomb collar, helmets, paint job, and the overall scale of the amror (the standing character is about 5'10 - 6' and the crouching one is around 6'4). I've seen where people have tried to do the armor but they normally have either to small or not as bulky. their was a guy who had an idea about the bomb collar out of foam, i think on this website actually, that i looked at and got the idea to do the armor out of foam. so, if you guys can help with the armor, not the pouches, i'd greatly appreciate. oh and i dont have the butt pack that they have. looks like a custom job their.
Welcome to the 405th! Nice to see a few more noobs. ;)

Personally I think you'll find that everyone has a very different idea of how to work a certain project, because we've all had different experiences with different mediums. I was very familiar with fiberglass before ever getting into costuming, so I see everything as a possible fiberglass project. Personally, I would run it by making a card stock model from scratch and fiberglass it. Very few people will tell you the same way to do it. Pep is a great way to create a symetrical frame to fiberglass, and we have some class A pep designers on here too. Find em and try asking if it's a possibility, or try a different medium. If you make from scratch just remember to measure, measure, and measure again before fiberglassing it.

Try a few different methods out to figure out which you work best with. ^^

Best of wishes.

Oh, and don't hesitate to use the Q&A crew here. They can be a lifesaver.
well i have the mask pdo, cardstock, hot glue, basically everything i need actually assemble it, but i've been looking at tutorials for fiberglass and stuff, but i have 2 questions about the mask. 1: how exactly do i scale? i looked at the scaling thread but its all about the different MC Helmets. I'm running Pepakura Designer 3 and for changing the scale i have "hight (i think they mean height), width, depth and scale". do i just measure my head and put the mm of each part in the boxes or do i also need to know the scale? 2: if i do this out of Pepakura, bond it, resin, etc, can this thing stand up against an airsoft bb? i have the idea of putting light wire mesh or individual lens if so. And i'm not so sure if the Q&A team can help with this kind of build.
I'm not very sure on the scaling concern as I'm relatively new to pepakura as well, however I'm sure you may be pleasantly surprised with the Q&A team here.

As for the fiberglass question, It's my personal opinion IF done properly it should easily hold up to an airsoft bb. I would also strongly suggest using a shatterproof lens and be very careful about how it's fitted. The eyes will be the weakspot, and the most dangerous weak spot, unless done properly.
Thanks i'll check about pming the Q&A guys that deal with this, in the mean time, another thing thats be on my mind is the actual straps that hold the mask. it seems as though everyone does theres like a hockey mask, but to me it seems like its a welding mask design as it flips up, as seen here and here. my main concern is how would one go about doing this? its also riveted(?) at the top of the mask too so thats where, in my mind, in conflicts with itself. but then again, i'm really new to this kind of stuff. any ideas?

EDIT: Here is a really good pic of the sides of their heads where you can see what i'm talking about. I noticed on Salem's (flame mask) mask, one of his straps seems to overlap the others. does that have something to do with the rig?
ok so i think i finally got the scaling thing right on my mask, but i can't start until sometime later next week because i actually am moving tomorrow, so that kinda throws a hitch in my plans. but when i get settled and all, i'll post up the mask once i get it pepped, bondod(?), etc. and i found some of the good cutscenes showing the part of the mask that i'm talking about if anybody's interested. you can pm me or i'll put on here.
Just so you know, the Q&A guys are going to tell you "never to make airsoft armor because of safety"

But I agree,if you are going to make airsoft stuff, use shatterproof lenses just to be safe =P
well i was browsing around for amry of two armor and stuff and found a costume site for it. but nobody's ever on...ever (aside from me now, apparently). and some guys make theirs with molds and some do it with pepakura and it should be able to withstand the impact of a bb they say. maybe not a 1 inch close range, but still. and i'm still curious about if i could make the armor out of pepakura. i check about the Q&A team, but they havent been on it a couple of days and i sent a guy a message about pepakura designer.
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