Before I start

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New Member
my armor project for this year's Halloween party, I have a few questions.

Many were answered by browsing through other topics.

First, when wearing leg/calf armor, how is it held onto your leg?

Second, do most people put padding into the arm/leg/chest regions?

Finally, will I get teh ladiez?

If I have anymore questions, I'll reply.

1. use velcro to attach to pants or like a strap to attach to belt.
2. as long as it is a little snug you shouldnt need anything
3. pfft. gtfo lol. they wont be able to see you whats the difference lol. idk as sean he got teh ladiez. lol
BigVariable said:
Second, do most people put padding into the arm/leg/chest regions?

Finally, will I get teh ladiez?


You'll get the ladies if you don't need padding because you have big muscles. :lindsey:
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Nice one Blink, Yea and you can attach the pieces together using web strap buckles. E.g. waist>thigh>Shin so it doesn't slip off.
Another question,

I live in Georgia and we get incredible humidity.
Like, no lie, it gets to 100% humidity at 95.
Will that affect any resining/fiberglassing/painting my armor?

I haven't even started my project but I'm just trying to get as much info as possible before I start.
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