Betrayal Of The Community

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Well-Known Member
Hello members of the 405th

I do not take any pleasure in making this post and wish that I didn't have to but my hand has been forced.

On the 4th of June I posted a topic about a project for the community to build a piece as a joint effort from people in different parts of the world people who are all members of the 405th and most have never spoken outside of this forum.

I did this because I thought it would be good for the community to make friends and to build a project that would be unique as it contains a collection of work from multiple people.

Work began on the 7th of June by a new member spaz47 he carried out his part of the project and sent it onto the next member in the project and this is where the community was betrayed. The second member of the project has stolen this project and betrayed everything that this community stands for.

What the 405th's community stands for is HONOR ARMOUR UNITY. In stealing from this community the person has betrayed two of these HONOR and UNITY.

What hurts the most about this is that The member has not stolen from just me he has stolen from Ithica, Spaz47, Sharkhead7854, Portalman and finally angry_cabbage but the worst betrayal of all is the other members of this community. People watched the topic in question wanting to see how this went and if it could work.

The person was sent pm's from me and I had also posted warnings to this person that if there was no progress/explanation given to the members involved that he would be named and shamed

On Tuesday 7th of this month at 9:47am uk time I posted a warning that he had till Friday midnight uk time to post/pm an explanation for his action and he has not responded. Even thought he has been online numerous times after I have pm'ed him.

The name of the member who has stolen from US the community is Godsarmor

If Godsarmor has anything to say about this then he should go ahead and post but until he stands up and defends himself I consider Godsarmor to be a thief.
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First rule, don't publicly call out people. Why didn't you PM a mod about this (why didn't ithica mention it?)
Adam said:
First rule, don't publicly call out people. Why didn't you PM a mod about this (why didn't ithica mention it?)

if you remember i sent you messages on msn about this problem and i have tried to settle this peacefully but when people refuse to aknowledge messages sent to them i turned to the only way i thought this could be done and that was by telling people
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he claimed that he contacted you, and that you knew about the situation...

this isnt very cool of him to steal the paper, you guys sent him... but it is also uncool to publicly call him out, this is a private matter... im sorry it happened but you arent taking the right actions here.
Possibly he didn't check his inbox for the messages?

And im sure he contacted Ithica about this matter before posting this. He, along with the rest of the crew, must be VERY mad at Godsarmor. Unless something happened to the project and Godsarmor doesn't want to fess up because he doesn't want to be "yelled" at, he may well be doing what you say he did/is doing.
im sorry but what else could i have done

i've sent him multiple pms i have given him the opertunity to explain himself

and i sent adam messages on msn

i didn't see any otherway to do this and i think people have the right to know
What a douche! People can be greedy liars. SOrry to hear you community project went south :( I worked with someone from the UK, Oklahoma, Hawaii and LA and we managed to get our stuff done, and traded everything from 3D files, graphics etc to help each other out. The difference was we arranged it privately. Public stuff gives greedy people mean ideas.

I hate to say this, I doubt Godsarmor with come forward publicly. if he does message your or something, I'll re-open the thread, but this may end up being flame fodder. Just doing it for your sake, not his.
I am truely sorry skullcandy but I would like to add something. It is a shame this has happened, BUT this may not have been the best route to go. You may have talked to Adam BUT you did not bring this to my attention. I could have been a mediator in this situation. Please use all means available before broadcasting things like this in public. Even when I had a situation I went through the channels and then even when I posted something I still did not mention the persons name. I am aware you were just mentioning the people that were working on the project but I took it as though putting my name in there would add some support to this topic but instead it made people wonder why I did nothing and said nothing. I was not imformed of the situation and that is a failure. I am withdrawing from the project regardless if this situation is fixed or not. If I can help fix it please let me know. Please understand my life is based on being in charge of people and helping them and I do not like when I am confronted with a situation that I shoud have known about and I didn't. No hard feelings. I wish this project the best and let me know if I can help fix things.

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