I would go know...don't die on us man! :wowie:
If bitten, remain calm, and immediately seek medical attention (contact your physician, hospital and/or poison control center). Apply an ice pack directly to the bite area to relieve swelling and pain. Collect the spider (even a mangled specimen has diagnostic value), if possible, for positive identification by a spider expert. A plastic bag, small jar, or pill vial is useful and no preservative is necessary, but rubbing alcohol helps to preserve the spider.
An effective commercial antivenin is not available. The surgical removal of tissue was once standard procedure, but now this is thought to slow down wound healing. Some physicians administer high doses of cortisone-type hormones to combat hemolysis and other systemic complications. Treatment with oral dapsone (an antibiotic used mainly for leprosy) has been suggested to reduce the degree of tissue damage. However, an effective therapy has not yet been found in controlled studies.
All info was gotten from here-
First aid involves the application of an ice pack to control inflammation...how did you get bitten anyway?Everything im reading says it ahs to be pressed aginst your skin or what-not? I would cheak both out though.From the sounds of it you mmight not die but theres no known cure.
They live all around the USA. I'm in IL but I've googled reports for nearly every state.
(Incredibly graphic recluse spider bites if untreated. CAN CAUSE DEATH)
lol you just talked about these spiders in adams spider post and know ur bitten...strange...