Bungie No More

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I'm thinking we should get Lee to make us seven functional battle rifles, and outside of bungie studios, perform a seven gun salute. That would be nice.

That would be sweet!!, but I doubt that there could be seven non-bungie member's over in Seattle or wherever they are based at.

Microsoft will still publish games. They made an agreement back when Bungie left Microsoft. Bungie never officially stated they were no longer going to be "Bungie." There's more than one type of game a company can make, y'know...
xalener said:
Maybe if 343's made up of a bunch of ex bungie employees we can calm down. Who knows?

Actually, I know for a fact that Frank O'Conner is not the only Bungie alumni to go over to 343 Industries (previously known internally at Microsoft as the much more dry sounding "Halo Franchise Development Group.") A certain Canadian animator who I will not name but is responsible for much of the really cool stuff in Halo 2 and Halo 3 is also at 343 Industries, and during my time on contract at Microsoft I have built up a good report with him. He says that one of the reasons he left Bungie for 343 was because he felt that Bungie had developed so much rich background lore for the Halo universe, and yet the games used only a tiny fraction of that. He wanted to go somewhere where he could be a part of more fully realizing the Halo universe, and taking it beyond just video games and a few novels. And if he believes in it that much and has that much clout with the creative process within it, then I am inclined to trust him with the beloved franchise.

Besides, I am hoping to get a job at 343 Industries myself sometime in the reasonably near future. I do not know exactly what they are working on, but I know that some of it is software, and software will eventually need test engineers with years of demonstrated Microsoft experience. I just have to wait for my opening to appear...
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ACDCrockr209 said:
That would be sweet!!, but I doubt that there could be seven non-bungie member's over in Seattle or wherever they are based at.

Well, I can count myself, and I am sure that there are at least six other 405th members in the greater Seattle area. I know I have met at least one other 405th member here.

And the city you are thinking of is Kirkland, a small town a short drive up the freeway from Seattle and considered part of the greater Seattle metropolitian area. Though if we are planning on doing a seven gun salute, while a lot of people at Bungie would find that cool, I doubt that their security staff would be as appreciative. They kind of like their privacy, and with good reason. Plenty of rabid fans begging at the door to be let in or wanting to yell at Luke about the battle-rifle spread.

Though that one time I wore my helmet and rifle out front the security guard did let me into the lobby so he could keep an eye on me while someone went in to check my clearance...
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12min photoshop to show something that may happen....

Why do HALO FANS of all people seem to drown out the word "halo" out of all sentences? "Bungie's last *Halo* game"


Also, if Reach truly IS Bungie's last Halo, they'd BETTER do it right. I mean BALANCED WEAPONS. FULL PLAYER/MAP CUSTOMIZATION. GRAPHICS THAT PUSH THE 360 TO THE FREAKIN LIMIT. And I don't mean to waste power trough overly complex coding, I mean SHORTCUTS ON EVERYTHING TO ACHIEVE EVERYTHING.

Bungie, you can even CHEAT if you have to. I don't even know how that'd be possible, but do ANYTHING to make this your BEST and LAST halo game. If a character dies, I want to CRY. If something's scary I don't want to jump or tense up a bit. I WANT TO SCREAM. If the rating is M for violence gore and languege, you'd better DELIVER ON THAT VIOLENCE GORE AND LANGUAGE(not like you've done with the past 3 games). If something is disgusting, make me PUKE. If I'm being shot at, I WANT TO DUCK. DO YOUR BEST or I will return the game....Or at least sell it for enough to make my armor...
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