C2E2 2025 Info and Roll Call: April 11th, 2025 - April 13th, 2025

I bring good tidings. I was told the wrong date and am able to make it to C2E2 for at least Saturday. I'll be showing up extra early to help with the photoshoot as previously promised and have a few slots open for me one on one photos for people.
I bring good tidings. I was told the wrong date and am able to make it to C2E2 for at least Saturday. I'll be showing up extra early to help with the photoshoot as previously promised and have a few slots open for me one on one photos for people.
I will be in serious need of photos of the banana suit
Posting the spreadsheet again and added it to the first post. If you're looking for a room or have space in a room please add your info here so that people can sync up and find rooms together.

Spreadsheet Link

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