Calling all 405th members to A-Kon 22!

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Jr Member
Seeing as how there's a PLENTYFUL amount of members here from Texas, I figured might as well make a rolll call of who is going to A-Kon 22. I know I will be going as a spartan (if I can finish my armor in time :p) and a friend of mine is going as an ODST.
Was there this year and the year before and shall be there next year :D. Honestly was extremely amazing this year, loved all the late night panels lol.

I should have my Mark VI and my ODST both finished by then, ODST is technically finished sans helmet, hip plates, and thighs.

I shall be there.
A-Kon is what I am shooting for as far as finishing my suit and the wife's suit. Hopefully 8 months will be enough time. Think it would be great to see a lot of fellow 405th members there or even if we get enough to make it a coordinated event. Either way, I'll be there one way or another
I'm going to try to go this year, whether I finish my armour or not. I may have to go in my mail, spangenhelm, and surcoat instead of my MK VI...but I'm still gonna do my best to finish it!
Marauder, still impressed at the parts you had done last year.

In any case, Soapy Scrub, count me in, as it seems you have already.
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