Campaign And Scoring?

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If you want too play it on Legendary and score, add me JoshGAMER474
Its getting annoying having all my friends have the Hayabusa Katana chest piece, so I want it too.
so add me as soon as possible so we can finish campaign achievements ;D
please no VidMaster, I have all of them, and I've all ready done them 3 months ago, and I've done the last mission with Iron on, and on Legendary OVER 5 TIMES!
so just send me a friend request and get all of the Campaign achievements
If you're looking to get the campaign scoring meta-game achievements, I found that an incredibly easy way to do it is to play on normal with all the gold skulls turned on (I did it without Iron or Black Eye and managed to get all of them) as well as Grunt Birthday Party and Cowbell (no multipliers for these, but it makes it a lot easier to get multi-kills on groups of grunts). You just have to be sure to aim for the style multipliers as often as possible.

Kind of cheap, but it works.

Edit: I just looked back at my games and I never turned on more than 5 gold skulls to get the achievements. Here's what I used for each level (and my scores):
Sierra 117 - Fog and Thunderstorm (15,180)
Crow's Nest - Tough Luck, Famine, Thunderstorm (15,390)
Tsavo Highway - Tough Luck, Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm (29,733)
The Storm - Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm (27,180)
Floodgate - Tough Luck, Famine, Thunderstorm (18,324)
The Ark - Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm (69,725)
The Covenant - Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm (52,810)
Cortana - Tough Luck, Catch, Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm (32,104)
Halo - Tough Luck, Fog, Famine, Thunderstorm (24,667)

So yeah, it's definitely doable on your own if you can't find anyone to help, especially if you're comfortable bumping up the difficulty to heroic or putting on a couple more skulls. I believe The Storm and Floodgate are the only ones I had to play several times to get the achievement (and even then I turned off some skulls to do it).
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