Consider yourself a pro? Answers my Questions. Please.

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Jr Member
Alright, so I'm trying to make an ODST costume, and I need YOUR help. If you've seen my comic, you would know how big an ODST fan I am. I know, there's a stickied thread on ODSTs, but since I have had NO experience whatsoever, i really need some very basic English on how to go about making my costume. So please, if you consider yourself a pro or have made a suit or weapon before, please answer my questions. I'll really appreciate it.

Here goes (plain English please, I'm a begginer):

-What material do I use which would look good? (not cardboards, pls)
-If i wanted it to look REALLY good like Adam's armor, what material is best? How do I go about making it? (step-by-step instructions plz)
--If you say Pepakura, what application do i need to open the files in Pepakura Download Database? What printer would i need to print the picture? What kind of paper to use? What solution to paint over the finished model?
-If you say wood, how? Equipment to cut the wood? Foam? What kind? How do i shape the foam?(Again, step-by-step instructions please)
-Is there any other types of materials to use?

-As for the visor, how do i get that peculiar shape of an ODST visor? Do i cut it from a huge piece? What do i use to cut?
-How do I fit the visor into the helmet? Glue?

-For the paint, do i use spray paint? What kind of paint is the best?
-Do i paint the helmet before putting the visor on it?
-How many layers of colours do i put? How do i make it look metallic and shine?

-What do i put inside of the helmet? How do I prevent it from wobbling when I wear it?

If you can answer all my questions, then kudos to you, I'll be forever in your debt. Thanks for reading, and i hope to complete my project by the end of this year. Thanks again. ;)
Wow, that is alot of questions to answer.. I'll do my best. Let me know if you need further explanation.

Material Choices: This depends on your level of experience. As a beginner, I would suggest using the Pepakura program to get started and build your experience. Later you can try the clay and moldmaking or vacuum formed method.

To make armor like Adams, you will need to sculpt your armor in clay overtop of a life size mannequin, make a rubber mold of your sculpted armor, then cast resin into your molds. It's not recommended to do it this way if you have never sculpted or made molds before.

To open the Pepakura files, you will need to download and use the Pepakura program. We have a special section of our forums devoted to this, with step-by-step tutorials to help you scale, print and assemble the model:

Wood is probably a less preferred material than clay, because wood takes more time to shape and refine. Wood is really only preferable if you are going to vacuum form your armor.

I really think that as a beginner that Pepakura is the best method. Sculpting, Vaccuum Forming and other methods are more difficult, and require a good deal of experience with other processes to perform.

For the visor you should purchase a blue mirrored motorcycle visor. Most motorcycle helmet companies sell these for $20-$30.
The visor may need to be cut with a Dremel rotary tool to fit inside your helmet.. It should be mounted from the inside with either glue or plastic screws and nuts.

Spray paint is a good method to paint your armor. Adam has just made an excellent video showing a paint technique for Master Chief armor:

High quality automotive spraypaints are the best available. Any high quality spray paint will do. Layering your colors is only necessary if you want a deep color that has hints of other colors in it. For an ODST, I think that the color is mostly black, or gunmetal metalic black. That color may be available at an automotive store. Choose a metalic color to a metal look, add shine with a gloss clear coat paint.

The inside of your helmet should have some padding. You can either put a replacement motorcycle helmet interior into it, or you can make your own from foam padding... which is available at most sewing stores.

Good luck with your project, and let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help you.

Wow thanks a lot for your help! Really appreciate it. After seeing a tutorial on how easy cardboard armor is, i've changed my mind and decided to use cardboard. Is there any substance i can use to make my cardboard armor stronger and firmer?

Guest_spu7n1k_* said:
Wow thanks a lot for your help! Really appreciate it. After seeing a tutorial on how easy cardboard armor is, i've changed my mind and decided to use cardboard. Is there any substance i can use to make my cardboard armor stronger and firmer?


Yes, there is.
Go read in the Pepakura thread. It's all explained there.
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