Cortana Spartana


Hi everyone! I am currently collaborating with an artist friend of mine, ReclaimerArt94, to build a Cortana as a Spartan armor -call sign: Spartana! I have his go ahead to share the concept art. I would like to share the progress of this build and recruit any help and learn whatever I can for an EPIC build.

I mentioned this concept while at a convention with a few other 405th members and they said ''Do it!" So here I am. This isn't my first armor build but it would be a first for building something from concept art. I would like to 3D print most of it, keeping in mind I also want to build it on top of a corset / back support (I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease along with hyper-mobility). He also made a concept shoe for Cortana heelies.

I'm currently learning 3D modeling in small 'bytes' (hehe, punny!) but if anyone can recommend a few good armor related 3D modeling tutorials I would appreciate it so much!


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Hi everyone! I am currently collaborating with an artist friend of mine, ReclaimerArt94, to build a Cortana as a Spartan armor -call sign: Spartana! I have his go ahead to share the concept art. I would like to share the progress of this build and recruit any help and learn whatever I can for an EPIC build.

I mentioned this concept while at a convention with a few other 405th members and they said ''Do it!" So here I am. This isn't my first armor build but it would be a first for building something from concept art. I would like to 3D print most of it, keeping in mind I also want to build it on top of a corset / back support (I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease along with hyper-mobility). He also made a concept shoe for Cortana heelies.

I'm currently learning 3D modeling in small 'bytes' (hehe, punny!) but if anyone can recommend a few good armor related 3D modeling tutorials I would appreciate it so much!
Man this will be epic! i cant wait to see this build, and as far as modeling if you use blender its free and there are tons of you tube videos that walk you right through it step by step thats what i am doing i have learned a bunch but still learning im an old guy (before the internet) old.
Hi everyone! I am currently collaborating with an artist friend of mine, ReclaimerArt94, to build a Cortana as a Spartan armor -call sign: Spartana! I have his go ahead to share the concept art. I would like to share the progress of this build and recruit any help and learn whatever I can for an EPIC build.

I mentioned this concept while at a convention with a few other 405th members and they said ''Do it!" So here I am. This isn't my first armor build but it would be a first for building something from concept art. I would like to 3D print most of it, keeping in mind I also want to build it on top of a corset / back support (I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease along with hyper-mobility). He also made a concept shoe for Cortana heelies.

I'm currently learning 3D modeling in small 'bytes' (hehe, punny!) but if anyone can recommend a few good armor related 3D modeling tutorials I would appreciate it so much!
Looks amazing!!! Are you going to incorporate lights?
Man this will be epic! i cant wait to see this build, and as far as modeling if you use blender its free and there are tons of you tube videos that walk you right through it step by step thats what i am doing i have learned a bunch but still learning im an old guy (before the internet) old.
I have blender downloaded and a bunch of spartan armor stuff but I am struggling to learn lol. There's just so many things everywhere, all at once. I have watched a few tutorials but once I get into blender I see so many options and my mind goes blank. I'm used to hand sculpting and working with stuff hands on and switching 3D modeling is a very new world to me. I know I'm taking on a steep learning curve o_O Generally I learn best by one on one XD I will try finding some armor focused tutorials though!
I have blender downloaded and a bunch of spartan armor stuff but I am struggling to learn lol. There's just so many things everywhere, all at once. I have watched a few tutorials but once I get into blender I see so many options and my mind goes blank. I'm used to hand sculpting and working with stuff hands on and switching 3D modeling is a very new world to me. I know I'm taking on a steep learning curve o_O Generally I learn best by one on one XD I will try finding some armor focused tutorials though!
I will see if I can find a few I know were out there and I will send you the links if I can find them.
I love the concept art of this armour, especially the colour scheme. It looks so cool. I look forward to seeing/hearing more as you progress.
Good luck with this project.
I really hope you're able to make this come to fruition. I love your sketches and think it would be an incredible build!
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