I am amassing a huge tutorial with everything you might be dreaming of. It's a total walk through and material and supply guide. I should be done in a week or two, but if you absolutely need it now, or need anything specific to get started, I can send you an advance of what I have done so far.
At this point I have completed :
Preface: Disclaimers and notes to the Armor Making Community
Chapter 1. Discussion of methods
A. Casting
B. Vacuum formed
C. Fabricated Plastic
D. Manufacturing
Chapter 2. Getting started
A. Gathering your resources
B. Tools and equipment
C. Materials for making armor
D. Saftey issues.
Chapter 3. Patterning the Armor -basics
PM me with your email address, it's still in MS Word doc form...I'm still writing it :$ops: