Cujo's ODST Armor Begins!

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Great job! Keep doing what what your doing. The dry brushing is some of the best.

Thanks bro I appreciate the compliment.... I find it hard at times to figure out how much is too much... but if it looks overdone... just mist some flat black and do it again a lil lighter...
With the boots, I took a big brush and flooded the cracks and seams with silver let that dry... went over it with flat black... so the silver in the cracks popped nicely... then went back and added the dry brush to get the scratched effect.

I noticed one thing I think is cool from working with the foam...all of the scratches in the foam and cut lines add nice details.... haven't tried the soldering iron to add gashes or anything.... but maybe in future pieces....

Also looking for ways of working in more color too besides just the black and silver....

Thanks gain to all who are looking and still following the build...

More updates for the "Back in Black" ODST armor (that's what my GF has started calling it)

Haha!! That's an awesome nick name she gave to your armor, bro!

Can't wait to see some more progress!
This build is coming along great. The paint is looking really nice.You're dry brushing makes it pop, and defines the edges giving it more depth. The boots look very good also.
@ACDC - Now How am I not surprised you would like that nickname :p Seriously I am loving the black and silver motif.... I initially wanted a dark grey almost black color.... maybe something like gunmetal grey metallic.... but didn't want to buy a crap load of the small tamiya cans.... so I am cool with this.... but do need to work some color in somewhere.... :cool

@thorn696 - Thanks for the compliment man... I really do appreciate it.... I paint the AR flat black .... then thought.... it's TOO black... no definition... even for a new rifle. So I had to do something to make the details pop back out instead of just being all black....

Thanks guys for the post....

I find it hard at times to figure out how much is too much... but if it looks overdone... just mist some flat black and do it again a lil lighter...

The high points on your armor is what your going to want to hit the most. Places like the toe caps and knees would chip for from rubbing on the ground. While the top of the helmet would chip for bumping your head on things. Think of it like that.
The high points on your armor is what your going to want to hit the most. Places like the toe caps and knees would chip for from rubbing on the ground. While the top of the helmet would chip for bumping your head on things. Think of it like that.

That makes perfect sense.... I'll keep that in mind....still have to figure out where I can work in color besides just the helmet stripe....

The more I think about it... I don't remember the ODST's having much color... except the helmet stripe.....

It's too early in the morning to think....

What do you guys think?

Sorry for the slowness on the project all....

But just learned my job is going to be cut to 60% and things have been major hectic around
here of late. Have already decided to start looking for wa teaching job somewhere else... Will keep
everyone posted....

So ANYWAY.... the armor updates:


Been working on the shins and calfs and getting them aligned with the boots....

Shin is coated with black plastidip.... boot is coated/painted already.
I put everything together with duct tape to take a trial run at the fitting... still can't
quite get it up over my calf... I will cut it on center and insert a wedge to widen it
on my calf... and narrow it at the ankle more... process of trial and error...

Will post more as soon as I get it finished! Thank you to EVERYONE still following the thread
and still stopping by to check on the progress....

Sorry boys for the lack of updates on my thread.... have bveen working a part time job all summer during my school break. Break is almost over so hopefully, I'll be back in my classrooom and have some more updates on this projects VERY soon!

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