Dawn Of War 2 Costume Help

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Alright, I recently bought Dawn Of War II, and had a bit of a muck-around with the multiplayer...after seeing the Chaos Lord hero, I thought to myself "Wow, that looks badass" and now I want one of my own...

So, I was wondering if anybody might be able to help me? I'm no good at all with making pepakura files...It's putting the parts together that I'm good at...

So I need files...if anybody could put together the parts for me, in reasonable detail, and unfold it, I'd be in your debt, and as usual I'm willing to pay for the help of anybody who offers it...

Thank you, Zaac.
I was adding DoWII model extraction to my list of things, but I might escalate it (and put Fallout 3 aside) now. The .hkanim and .model system that Relic (the game developers used) is semi-proprietary so not many people have been able to fiddle with the files. There is an import script for Maya, so I might give that a shot (as well as Halo 3 and Iron Man 2 game models.... it's a tough to-do list).

As you need Maya and the game, not many people have extracted the files, and Relic isn't too happy about web distributions of their models, due to copyright, so you'll only really find home-made pepakura on the web. If I can extract the files, I'll clean them up, and upload them as soon as.

Oh, and you might want to get Chaos Rising - it's got great graphics, but I think it's shorter and the gameplay is a little more tedious, so it's an okay buy if you get it cheap-ish.
Thanks man. I just finished the Dawn of War II campaign, and was thinking of buying Chaos Rising just to get that little more play time. Plus, I hate not being able to play Last Stand as a Chaos Lord without it:(

Thanks for having a crack at it. Take your time though, I'm not in a huge rush. I mean, I go on school holidays on friday, for 2 weeks, and I'd have liked to get a start on it then, but, It's no biggy...

However, I was also thinking of scratch building...But I need the blueprints:( If someone could provide me with full blueprints of the Chaos Lord, or even just a normal Space Marine terminator, I could go from there...

I think I've already added this response before, but I think the wireless signal isn't that strong when surrounded by metres of concrete...

Whilst searching for simpler routes to convert the models from the extracted files, I found someone from Facepunch who's already converted the majority of useful models. I'll have a look through them tonight, to see how peppable they are.

(I'm not posting the link for legalities sake, wait till I have a "fiddle" first)
Games workshop is pretty hard with the c&d orders... so not many people make WH40k props... an altered pep seems the way to go.
Exactly, GW hates people making fan art or films, as they see it as lost revenue. The models are low quality, but I'll try to make something from them. You'll be hearing from me shortly.... *ghost noise*
theres also a great script for extracting files for max on relics forums for DOWII I have most of the files on my hd, as I'm using them for reference on my SM. and theres a good handful of people on here doing Space Marines using files created around, I myself have posted a Techmarine helmet and the distinctive shins they wear
If you "Google" WarHammer 40k costumes" there are a few nicely finished scratch builds out there... Chaos and Imperial... just sayin'
Sorry for the late reply, my internet isnt working the best at the moment:(

I've looked through a few nice scratch builds, as you said Das Brutus, and I was thinking of scratch-building mine...However, I don't know where to start...

I know GW don't much appreciate fan-built costumes and what-not, but, I just couldn't resist the thought of owning my own suit of chaos space marine armour, lol...

Anyways, thanks for the help guys...I think I'll do a little more searching around the web and try to find schematics or blueprints or something that will help me scratch-build...cheers.
Ok, so, i was looking over stuff for scratch building the suit...and I did find some helpful guides and what-not...

However, I also found something that caused me to realise why all fan-made Space Marine armour looks so skinny when worn by a normal person...
And the reason is simple...

I mean, I knew they were tall, but I figured they kept the same scale as a human, just taller...
AND, Terminators are even bigger:(

So it doesn't look like I'll be building Termie armour:( It'd just look wierd...

I did see someone somewhere wanting to build Space Marine armour, but actual size, that he can still wear, with a few mods to help make him taller and keep the suit in the right scale...I might check into this to see if I can't use some of his techniques to help with mine...

Does anybody else have any tips for me?

Ok, so, I was looking over a bunch of home-made space marine suits, and I found the "Space Marine Encounter" guide...

This is an awesome guide, farely helpful...but the lack of detail in the steps taking leaves a lot of room for you to make your own decisions, meaning lots of room for me to screw up...lol

I was wondering if anybody had any solid blueprints or schematics that would help me out?
Here is mine, as yet unfinished

you don't have to be 8 feet tall... after all, how many 7 foot Chiefs are out there? It's possible, don't lose the drive... make a terminator or space marine... do it! ha!
Yeah, I definitely wanna make one...my only fear is, although there aren't all that many 7foot-tall people wearin MC armour, MC still has a body within the same scale of the average human...the shoulders on a space marine are twice as wide as even MC's...so when we make a space marine suit, being human, they look really skinny...if you look at the pics I put up, it looks real obvious...

I mean, they still look awesome, and yours looks GREAT Brutus, Can't wait to see it done...I was just wondering if there was a way to make that suit that can be worn comfortably while maintaining a rough scale to that of a Space Marine's body...

I was actually thinking of just making the shoulder pads smaller, so it just looks like a badass suit of armour, as if it's designed for a younger, less physically matured Space Marine, I dunno...
on my suit, there are no bicep pieces... and the shoulders are velcro attached to torso... the shoulder bell covers down to the elbow, and the forearm piece is large (long) enough that the thickness of one's arms is of no concequence. Padding in the forearm piece is a must, as it is in the legs... I'll take pics soon and post the rigging and padding done in my suit. The only real concern you should have is how it looks without the helm. If you have a small head (or pin head) then the helm is a must, so remember to try to work in fans... if you have a fat head like I, then you can rock out the helmetless look as well as helmed...

Also, you'll notice that my thigh pieces do not wrap the thigh. Many examples of thighless or just plates (like mine) in the artwork of WarHammer. I'm still undecided if I'm going to wear the thigh pieces... but I would highly recommend NOT wrapping your thighs up. Not having an enclosed thigh allows for better movement.

BTW: Besides being a bit thick in the midsection these days, I'm only 5' 10"... This suit would fit someone up to 6' 5" in my opinion... if shorter than I? You'd need to scale it down. HOWEVER: remember that mine was carved out of foam by a friend, not pepped, but all the pepped pieces I've seen have the correct proportions. You need to see the shoulders coupled with the forearms. As a complete look it's perfect... singularly it's a bit off.

"why don't they like fan-made armor? lol thats kinda weird... "
And as far as Games Workshop not liking fanmade props? They LOVE them! What they don't love is folks being able to recreate them via the use of molds... "Intellectual Property" and all that rot! There are many CosPlayers in the UK (home of Games Workshop) and I've found that as long as the pieces are "One of a Kind" (as mine are), then they live and let live. The first sign of "mass" production and, "Look! I've got a Cease and Desist Order!"
I agree w/ DB on all that, scale IP, I'm a relatively skiny guy 6foot 175lbs but w/ the chest and shoulders on I'm winder then a linebacker, its the proper scale for me but damn I look thick in it. so dont be disappointed by authenticty nazi's saying arnt you a little small for a space marine, most of the true height space marines I've seen are less properly scaled sure their tall but no where near wide enough for that height so they end up looking funny.
on my suit, there are no bicep pieces... and the shoulders are velcro attached to torso... the shoulder bell covers down to the elbow, and the forearm piece is large (long) enough that the thickness of one's arms is of no concequence. Padding in the forearm piece is a must, as it is in the legs... I'll take pics soon and post the rigging and padding done in my suit. The only real concern you should have is how it looks without the helm. If you have a small head (or pin head) then the helm is a must, so remember to try to work in fans... if you have a fat head like I, then you can rock out the helmetless look as well as helmed...

Also, you'll notice that my thigh pieces do not wrap the thigh. Many examples of thighless or just plates (like mine) in the artwork of WarHammer. I'm still undecided if I'm going to wear the thigh pieces... but I would highly recommend NOT wrapping your thighs up. Not having an enclosed thigh allows for better movement.

BTW: Besides being a bit thick in the midsection these days, I'm only 5' 10"... This suit would fit someone up to 6' 5" in my opinion... if shorter than I? You'd need to scale it down. HOWEVER: remember that mine was carved out of foam by a friend, not pepped, but all the pepped pieces I've seen have the correct proportions. You need to see the shoulders coupled with the forearms. As a complete look it's perfect... singularly it's a bit off.

Im around 6'2, and a fairly broad build, so I reckon your suit would probably fit me. The only reason I prefer to go PEP is cos im not all that good with scratch building. Cjsuner who commented on this thread earlier sent me his PEP files of the suit, and they all look pretty sweet, so Im thinking I'll make a start soon. It's only standard SM power armour, not termie armour like I was after, But i think it'll still look cool...and I can always mod it, just add a hump and what not to the finished suit...

I agree w/ DB on all that, scale IP, I'm a relatively skiny guy 6foot 175lbs but w/ the chest and shoulders on I'm winder then a linebacker, its the proper scale for me but damn I look thick in it. so dont be disappointed by authenticty nazi's saying arnt you a little small for a space marine, most of the true height space marines I've seen are less properly scaled sure their tall but no where near wide enough for that height so they end up looking funny.

Yeah, im not too worried about what people are going to say about it, I can handle a little criticism. I was just hoping to find a way to make it look just like a real suit of SM power amour, just smaller...but I think I'll be alright with what I got, should come up nicely...
Ok, I went and put together the shin-guard from the Pep files Cjsuner gave me...and I hit a snag...the gap at the top of the guard is too small for me to get my leg through, the calf muscle won't fit through...however, the bottom of the guard is like 30cm wide...while the pep files ARE accurate, and the 3d model looks comepletely accurate on the computer, when put together it looks rediculously out of scale...i'd have to walk around with my legs spread 2 feet apart just to stop the shin guards rubbing against you...

Any ideas?
You could clamshell the legs... but as far as the size of the ancles? other than resizing the specific area, I'm clueless!
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