Deployment images


Active Member
It might be a good idea to include photos of previsouly deployed costumes as examples of each tier (e.g. an image to show tier 1, etc) to show what is required to reach the next tier visually. The description is good but this might just make it that much more clear.
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We do not publicly share a member's Deployment Tier ranking out of respect for member's privacy and the fact that some member's are not comfortable sharing what Tier that got in Deployment.

That said, myself, RandomRanger, and Fallen are working on a "Deployment Visual Guide" which will provide example images of many features, such as examples of Pepakura, Foam, and 3D printing finishes for each Tier level, examples of what kind of personalization are appropriate for each Tier, and some examples from members who have agreed to have their images shared as an example of each Tier.
We do not publicly share a member's Deployment Tier ranking out of respect for member's privacy and the fact that some member's are not comfortable sharing what Tier that got in Deployment.

That said, myself, RandomRanger, and Fallen are working on a "Deployment Visual Guide" which will provide example images of many features, such as examples of Pepakura, Foam, and 3D printing finishes for each Tier level, examples of what kind of personalization are appropriate for each Tier, and some examples from members who have agreed to have their images shared as an example of each Tier.
Of course, it would be rude to not ask for permission before posting images of someone.
The visual guide you described is nigh exactly what I was thinking of.
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