Does anyone want/need a free imperfect vacuum-formed Mark VI visor?

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Active Member
Hey all,

So in pursuit of vacuum-forming a visor for my own helmet, I also made a number of copies as practice and backups. I've got a handful left over after completing my helmet and I'd hate for them to go to waste, so please let me know if you would like one and I'd be happy to ship them to you. These all have some minor imperfection, but will work just fine if you need a visor in a pinch or just want to see how they look (plus they're free!). These visors are all made to fit this specific helmet:

I didn't end up needing to scale it at all so it's all essentially 'stock'. The fit in my own helmet was acceptable, you may have better or worse results, but again I'm sharing these in the hopes that someone can make some use of them rather than pitching in the trash since they took so much effort to make. I currently have:

(3) Blue colored, non-chromed
(3) Non-colored, non-chromed
(2) Gold-colored, chromed

The gold-chromed visors are a touch hard to see through as it was my first time doing the chroming as well, and I just ended up not using the blue color so I didn't bother chroming those. I can send all or some of these two whomever can make use of them, I just ask that you cover shipping costs. I'm happy to post extra pictures and any additional details if you like as well, just let me know and we can discuss. Thanks for looking!

2024-01-12 15.38.27.jpg
They look great! Even if they are free, you should add this listing to the Marketplace section instead:

Make sure to read up on the Classifieds Guidelines first:
They look great! Even if they are free, you should add this listing to the Marketplace section instead:

Make sure to read up on the Classifieds Guidelines first:
Understood, will do
PlanetAlexander Hey, so I posted over to the Marketplace forum and had an interested person, however neither of us are able to DM each other. For whatever reason, I simply get a "You cannot start a conversation with this member" and it won't allow me to send a message, and it sounds like they have the same problem. Any reason for that? I'd want to work out shipping info but obviously don't want to do that on the public forum.
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