Vacuum Forming ODST Visor Help


New Member
Hey there so i 3d printed a Halo 3 ODST helmet and now i need to print the visor buck for vacuum forming. I scaled the helmet down from 100% to 92%. Do i need to downscale the visor buck as well or leave it at 100% scale and cut around after forming?


  • image_2024-02-14_060148725.png
    82.1 KB · Views: 108
I’ve always scaled the visor buck to the same scale as the helmet. That was the formed visor will be at the right scale to fit in the helmet nicely
Hey there so i 3d printed a Halo 3 ODST helmet and now i need to print the visor buck for vacuum forming. I scaled the helmet down from 100% to 92%. Do i need to downscale the visor buck as well or leave it at 100% scale and cut around after forming?
I'm printing the same buck, how did it go for you?
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