Double Headshot in Halo 3

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Well-Known Member
Check out this clip H3 download's for IceAgonaKilya

I got a double kill with the sniper. It totally missed the second guy yet still killed him. BTW I really suck with sniper so this will probably never happen again.
sorry I haven't ported to youtube or something but you can download it from this link into your halo 3 game to watch.
BenStreeper said:
Check out this clip H3 download's for IceAgonaKilya

I got a double kill with the sniper. It totally missed the second guy yet still killed him. BTW I really suck with sniper so this will probably never happen again.
sorry I haven't ported to youtube or something but you can download it from this link into your halo 3 game to watch.

There's a video of someone getting a triple headshot, and the third one was off of a wall, too. My brother overkilled with one once. I still haven't gotten a double like that yet. :(
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Love doing that i was in one of the shooty snipers games last week on Narrows, near where the mancannon is i shot one guy i didn't know and it hit another behind him, bam double kill bounces off the wall and hits another guy but didnt kill him-.-
lol, yesterday in a ranked game on construct i played I got 5 double kills [2 with br, 1 with grenade, 1 with spartan laser, and 1 with flamethrower]
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