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Jr Member
So my mother the other day thought it would be fun to get some ducklings from the local animal shelter to take care of until they can release them. But with neither of us having experiance with ducks, were stuck. We have a shelter made, with a heat lamp and a blanket and a little bath for them, but we don't know what to feed them. Any body with information would be a huge help. Thank you.
These ducks are to young for bread, as the sugar, and glutin is to much for their systems, and the shelter isn't open now, and the night people don't answer the phone. Also i live in suberbia, so theres really no where to get unmedicated chicken or duck feed.

Wow, I never thought my incubating and hatching experience would come in handy on this forum of all places. I used to raise quail and pheasants, along with a few ducks. I definately recommend against returning them to the wild until they are flight capable, without a mom they will not survive. The above links should help. Best of luck with your new babies.

Edit: Corn Flakes (Like Total, make sure they are not sugar coated) soaked to a mush should be okay until you can find some duck feed.
Most likely, you won't be able to release these ducks to the wild. :( They have already imprinted on people, and wouldn't be able to survive on their own. Look in the phone book for a farm store or an animal feed store nearby, you should be able to get unmedicated feed for them there, and the staff at a feed store should be able to give you advise on how to raise the ducks. If you have coarse corn meal, that should make an ok feed for a day or two, but they need proper food soon.

Also, are these ducks a domestic breed? People REALLY shouldn't release domesticated animals into the wild, they were bred for hundreds or thousands of years to be cared for by people, and they usually can't take care of themselves at all. The few animals that can always make a mess of things in the wild.
Thank you all, you have been very helpful to my little friends. We decided to go with Hollywood's corn flake idea, and abandonship's cruched dog food responce, were going to try both of them seperate and then give them more of the one they like. Maybe I'll take some pictures for you guys if i get the chance.
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