Expanding Foam

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I've read that expanding foam does warp your pepped piece, and sometimes rips your work. Look at the proof in those pics posted. I just pepped the new silenced smg and I'll probably resin the outide twice and cut some holes in it and pour in some rondo. Hopefully it will keep it's shape. I want it to be solid but not completely full of rondo. just a nice coat around the edge. That's what I'm doing maybe someone will try this before I do it. Let me know
One thing,DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE EXPANDING FOAM,i have tryed this before,it did not work(no pics,its too hideous),I filled it halfway on each left it to cure,come down the next day PRESTO,you have one f***ED up AR.basically i had it standing up right seperated with air holes,the foam escaped through them,then when it expanded ,it expanded way too much,it started to pry open the holes then it got on the gun and in some areas it had massive rips and unforgivable detail,the foam was hard to cut without damaging the piece so I chucked it away,With careful planning and a good breakproof mehtod,it should work.
i tink ill be really careful when i saw it in half thats all the foam sounds like more work and if i fiber glass i can use for molds
Ill keep this in mind. I didnt figure it would be a big deal to fill it with foam.

ButI guess my worry is that the fiberglass wont be solid enough
dmastachief said:
no i mean i need to know if great stuff is what i use to fill the gun ive never done it before its called great stuff

i had an ar (pepped of course) and i filled it with great stuff expanding foam. it worked like a charm. but i suggest doing it as you build your ar. its what i did. unfortunately it got destroyed when i moved into my new house!
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