fiberglass placement

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is there any way to stick fiberglass strips to the object to keep it in place but without it making a big lump of glue when it comes to fiberglassing?
MaShEdPOTaToEs said:
is there any way to stick fiberglass strips to the object to keep it in place but without it making a big lump of glue when it comes to fiberglassing?

I hotglued in it into place while it was dry.

Just a little bit. And be sure to SOAK it with resin, so it gets to the other side.

Also, do not brush. Dab. You brush resin onto the cardstock, but do not brush it onto the matting. If you have sponge brushes, they work great, for about 5 minutes before they fall apart. So get A LOT of those.
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do i hot glue a little dab on each side of a strip or all of it also would i stop the cloth from sticking to the helmet if i put to much hot glue?
nicknicklive said:
i personally used an elmers glue stick, worked pretty good for me :]

yup, this right here, I buy glue sticks like 50 at a time. Because I go through them so fast though admittedly, since I do my stuff out of cardboard, I have to glue patterns down to the cardboard, and glue the fiberglass in place before soak it in resin. so i go through a hell of a lot of glue sticks.
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