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New Member
After doing an internal coat with the FG resin i decided that I probably shouldn't put off glassing it just because im afraid to screw up. So I sat down this morning and I cut out about a billion small fiberglass squares. I decided at the start that i was going to use fiberglass cloth instead of mat to glass it because it looked like it would be neater and less itchy. Well... it was less itchy, but the strands of fiberglass got all over the place. So If you're going to use cloth, use really sharp scissors. After that I began fitting the cut pieces inside the cast. I grabbed a new brush and mixed up some resin, and slapped in my first layer of glass. I figure if i missed any parts i'll just put them in later. It looked like I did a decent job so now its drying. I also bought a little 6 dollar fan to help with the drying times. :) I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Maybe i'll even pop some post-glassing pictures up.
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