Finding/Buying a Visor

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*Sigh* Really? This will be my second time in the last 10 minutes answering the same question. Go to and search in the automotive department for "[Insert color here] Visor face shield".
Would anybody happen to know were an ODST visor or (any visor for that matter) can be puchased?

ODST visor and the other visors are very different. You need to make ODST visor yourself. Next time please do some research and read the forum before asking general question.

*Sigh* Really? This will be my second time in the last 10 minutes answering the same question. Go to and search in the automotive department for "[Insert color here] Visor face shield".

Amazon sells the regular motorcycle visor that will fit most helmets, except ODST. ODST is an odd shape helmet and the only way to make the visor is to either cut several clear styrene sheets and glue them together or use vacu-form method. Do a search and you can find several tutorials on how to make ODST visor.

Good luck!
it's not so much that you asked the question, it's that you started a thread about it when you could've just done some research and found out on your own. this website is filled with many threads that are just useless questions that can be found by simply looking around. And even if you can't find the answer your looking for, do not bother making a thread. you can post questions in the appropriate stickie thread. anyways, now that you know, welcome to the 405th. i hope you find what you are looking for.
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