Hi everyone. Great forum you have here. Been a long time lurker and just got into making some armor via pepakura. I was hoping to make my first post my finished set and give my thanks to this community. However, I hit a hurdle in my progress that I don't feel I can blindly push through without some proprietary advice for my setup.
I'm currently working on a Mark VI MC suit. I don't know how many people have used the Mark VI yet but its vastly different from the Mark V (if thats what we would call it I assume, haven't seen anything official). For those who don't know, the difference between the V and VI is the holes for the shoulders on the V are massive where as the VI they're true to MC's armor. They're form fitting so trying to put it over me would rip it apart. The neck hole isn't big enough for my noggin (6'1" 200lbs) however even my 5'2" girlfriend's pea size head wouldn't fit through. I've used the advice in the scaling thread and when comparing the chest piece against my torso it seems to have worked out so scaling I can confidently say is not an issue. Its the actual design of the piece. Which I might say is beautiful and will make any headache to get it to work worth it.
So my question is this - is there a solution for this or am I gonna have to modify this to make it go over me?
I thought about after glassing it making the bottom sides removable somehow - how, I'll worry about and figure out when that happens. Same with the neck piece. Just put a removable section in for me to slip my head through then somehow fasten the piece I took out back in.
Other than that I'm stumped. If theres any solutions or suggestion I'm all ears. I hate to get into glassing it and have to something unforeseen happen or halt my progres in some other manner. The Mark V version is just not an option - the VI is just too sexy. I'll make the VI work if theres nothing out there. Its not a big deal if I have to go into modifying something, like removable pieces, but if theres something I don't know to keep it as clean and true as possible that would be fantastic to know.
Thank in advance, cheers!
I'm currently working on a Mark VI MC suit. I don't know how many people have used the Mark VI yet but its vastly different from the Mark V (if thats what we would call it I assume, haven't seen anything official). For those who don't know, the difference between the V and VI is the holes for the shoulders on the V are massive where as the VI they're true to MC's armor. They're form fitting so trying to put it over me would rip it apart. The neck hole isn't big enough for my noggin (6'1" 200lbs) however even my 5'2" girlfriend's pea size head wouldn't fit through. I've used the advice in the scaling thread and when comparing the chest piece against my torso it seems to have worked out so scaling I can confidently say is not an issue. Its the actual design of the piece. Which I might say is beautiful and will make any headache to get it to work worth it.
So my question is this - is there a solution for this or am I gonna have to modify this to make it go over me?
I thought about after glassing it making the bottom sides removable somehow - how, I'll worry about and figure out when that happens. Same with the neck piece. Just put a removable section in for me to slip my head through then somehow fasten the piece I took out back in.
Other than that I'm stumped. If theres any solutions or suggestion I'm all ears. I hate to get into glassing it and have to something unforeseen happen or halt my progres in some other manner. The Mark V version is just not an option - the VI is just too sexy. I'll make the VI work if theres nothing out there. Its not a big deal if I have to go into modifying something, like removable pieces, but if theres something I don't know to keep it as clean and true as possible that would be fantastic to know.
Thank in advance, cheers!